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Huge increase in corona infections in Spain: ‘Government does nothing’

Why is the number of infections rising so fast?

According to Tieleman, an analysis by the experts in Spain shows that especially the young people do not properly adhere to the corona rules. Tieleman: “This is also visible on the street, where young people regularly stand too close together without a mouth mask.” In Spain it is often mandatory to wear a mouth mask.

Another cause, according to Tieleman, is the family gatherings, which are again held in full. “The virus quickly jumps over that”.

Did the strict lockdown not help?

Tieleman: ” The number of corona infections in Spain was very low in mid-June, so the lockdown certainly helped. The problem is that after the state of emergency, the rules were quickly released and many Spaniards (especially young people) had the illusion that the corona virus was now over. ”

“That is why they adhered to the distance rules much less. You can see that local authorities are working on this and that the rules have now been tightened up in many places.”

A new lockdown will now therefore be announced locally rather than nationally. Some areas have been in lockdown for a second time, such as the Lleida region.

How is the reaction to the new figures in Spain?

Tieleman: “The concerns in Spain are great, especially when normal life resumes in September. People are going back to work, schools are reopening. Many Spaniards are afraid that the infections will only increase. More will be announced next week about how the schools will open (with what restrictions). “

What is the government doing now that infections are rising?

According to Tieleman, the corona policy of Prime Minister Sánchez is critically viewed in a Spain. There has been a lot of criticism of his corona policy. He shines through his absence now that the corona numbers soar in August. Spanish media reported that he has now returned from vacation earlier, but according to many Spaniards that is still too late. ”

A demonstrable error in policy seems to lie in letting go of the restrictions too quickly after the state of emergency in June, says Tieleman. “But also, for example, the underestimation of the risk of contamination around fruit picking in Catalonia and Aragón.”

Which areas are most affected?

Tieleman: ” Catalonia has been a hotbed for a long time. Especially in areas around Lleida and Barcelona. But Madrid has also become a major source of fire. “

In addition to parts of Catalonia, popular holiday destinations such as Mallorca and Ibiza have now been designated as risk areas by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The number of infections on large parts of the Spanish south coast, on the other hand, is not too bad.

It is mainly the young people who are now infected with the corona virus. The mortality rates are therefore much lower than during the peak in the spring.

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