A house clearance is organized at Villa Grégam in Grand-Champ, on Saturday September 23, for the benefit of the social and solidarity actions of the municipal social action center (CCAS) of the municipality. La Malle des Malins, the CCAS and their volunteers will be present at 7, rue Général-de-Gaulle (entrance from the rear of the building), from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., to welcome the public who come to make finds and good business.
On sale, the public will find furniture, mainly large and not dismantled, such as large sideboards, tables, cupboards and beds. But also household linen, crockery, trinkets, etc. left in particular by the congregation of sisters when they left the premises.
Open to everyone. Sale organized by the Malle des malins and the municipal social action center and their volunteers. Contact: CCAS of Grand-Champ, tel. 02 97 66 45 28, and email [email protected]
2023-09-20 17:01:41
#Finds #good #deals #Villa #Grégam #solidarity #house #clearance #Saturday #September #GrandChamp