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huge discomfort on the set, we reveal everything

Jean-Luc Reichmann tries to hide his discomfort but his fans know him only too well. The featured presenter of 12 noon shots cannot change the past. Like everyone else, he is forced to live with it. And certain moments in life bring us back to dark times. This was the case with one of the shows recently. The audience of Jean-Luc Reichmann could not have missed a detail.

Jean-Luc Reichmann is good humor, but he sometimes finds it difficult to hide his emotions

Jean-Luc Reichmann is a colorful character. The daily life of the host of 12 shots midday seems to be punctuated with laughter and joy. He always makes a point of having a smile. Whatever the circumstances, he is able to step back and make his fans have a good time. Whether on TF1 or on social media, Jean-Luc Reichmann manages to bring happiness around him. However, when the atmosphere deteriorates on set, it is obvious that the feelings of Jean-Luc Reichmann are not for nothing.

Indeed, some time ago, one of the flagship candidates of 12 shots midday made history. This candidate, Jean-Luc Reichmann does not even want to pronounce his name any more. This is the detail that caught the eye of fans and journalists. The host seems to be trying to put a dark period behind him for the PAF. However, certain events remind him of it. As the candidate Eric continues his ascent in the game show of Jean-Luc Reichmann, he breaks records. Records of gain, participation or even number of mysterious stars discovered. Records held so far by a former candidate who makes Jean-Luc Reichmann uneasy.

A painful memory that haunts the plateau of 12 noon shots

Fans of 12 noon shots don’t forget and certainly never forget this candidate. This is Christian Quesada. This man is now incarcerated and despite this, his shadow still hangs over the plateau of 12 noon shots because of his records. For more than a whole year, Christian Quesada was able to take advantage of the notoriety brought by his presence in the Jean-Luc Reichmann show. A fact deplored by the host who can no longer pronounce his name. When Eric exceeds one of the records of this former noon master, Jean-Luc Reichmann congratulates him but the fans feel that the host is not at ease. And how to be when he is forced to remember this tragic period?

One of the candidates of 12 noon shots come back to memories and change the mood on set

Christian Quesada has been in prison for over a year. In addition, his judgment took place on April 8. And he was sentenced to the heavy penalty of three years ‘imprisonment with five years’ judicial follow-up. But for many who have followed the case, the sentence is too light. Because Christian Quesada attacked children. Minor people found themselves victims of his words and lecherous acts. French television would never have thought of making this odious personage a televised celebrity if they had known his past. Because these are repeat offenses which condemn Christian Quesada. Since, Jean-Luc Reichmann and other PAF presenters promise to pay close attention to the past of future candidates. It is intolerable to think that Jean-Luc Reichmann reproduces this error.

And the fact that the host of 12 noon shots refusing to pronounce his name is proof that he does not forget this dark story. So it’s a shame to see that Christian Quesada still weighs on the mood of 12 noon shots. But it would be even more to see that its misdeeds are forgotten. In an attempt to preserve the atmosphere of the program, Jean-Luc Reichmann therefore chooses not to pronounce his name. However, his records cannot be erased. But luckily, Eric seems on track to beat them. Another 13 participations and 7 master strokes to knock Christian Quesada from the first place in the show’s records. A mission in which Eric is invested. Despite the many fan criticisms of him, Eric remains focused on his victories.

Jean-Luc Reichmann did nothing wrong but keeps his heart heavy

Jean-Luc Reichmann can then relax even more. Even if his work is exemplary and his good humor radiates on set as elsewhere, the host cannot forget the misdeeds of this dark candidate. The fact that he holds the show’s records makes him constantly remind him of the mistake of involving her. But at the same time, perhaps if Christian Quesada had not been seen on television, the victims would not have dared to speak. In any case, this is what we can say to reassure ourselves. Because in life, it is sometimes easier to tell yourself that chance does things right. Also, if Christian Quesada is still remembered it is not to torment us. Is it rather to prevent this situation from happening again?

In any case, Jean-Luc Reichmann is still affected by this affair and he will be so for a long time. It’s impossible not to feel concerned for the presenter. However, he does everything possible to guarantee a good atmosphere on set. His work is very important to him. Jean-Luc Reichmann’s relationship with his fans for so many years is one of the most sincere that television can offer. And his fans give him back. The audience scores did not weaken after the announcement of the arrest of Christian Quesada. They also did not weaken during the health crisis. You have to face it, fans of Jean-Luc Reichmann will continue to support him whatever the trials.

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