TASHKENT, iNews.id – Scientists discovered dinosaur with big teeth like shark ever lived in Uzbekistan 90 million years ago. According to a study, the large animal was believed to be the apex predator of its time.
The dinosaur was 8 meters long and weighed 1,000 kilograms. The dinosaur was much larger than other dinosaurs in the same ecosystem, the study found.
Alarabiyah launch, the researchers found fossil dinosaur jawbone in the Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan, in the 1980s. The animal belongs to a group of dinosaurs that had teeth like those of a shark—the so-called carcharodontosaurus.
Carcharodontosaurus was still closely related to tyrannosaurs (also known as T. rex). However, they are also competitors at the top of the food chain.
Editor : Ahmad Islamy Jamil