Home » today » Health » Huesca experiences an afternoon of solidarity with a blood donation at the Manuel Benito Moliner centre | Huesca

Huesca experiences an afternoon of solidarity with a blood donation at the Manuel Benito Moliner centre | Huesca

In the framework of the events prior to the festivities of San Lorenzo in Huesca the Blood Donor Association of Alto Aragón and the Blood and Tissue Bank of Aragónin collaboration with the Huesca City Council and the support of the city’s Recreational Clubs, have organized a blood donation On the afternoon of this Wednesday in the Manuel Benito Moliner Civic Center.

In the In the last six months of 2024, 2,177 donations have been recorded in the province of Huesca. Is about 12% more that the same period of the last year. Of the almost 40 collection points that there have been, the towns of Barbastrowith 305 donations, Monsoon with 240 and Ponywith 135. The San Jorge Hospital in Huesca is he Fixed donation point that registers the most activity in the entire community: from January to June, there have been more than 100,000 in this location 312 donations.

At the donation held this Wednesday in the capital of Huesca, the manager of the Blood Bank, Rosa Plantagenet-Whytehas highlighted the importance of this act of solidarity and totally altruistic because “without blood, health care stops.” The health official wanted to send a message of thank you to donors and has been addressed especially to the youthssince society needs them to take over this altruistic act from some of the current donors who have already given many years of collaboration.

For its part, the mayor from Huesca, Lorena Orduna, He stated that this event shows that “Huesca is a city of solidarity” and grateful the generosity of the citizen.

Eleven more collections in the province in August

In the province of Huesca Eleven collections have been scheduled for this month of August in Belver de Cinca, Albalate de Cinca, Sabiñánigo, San Esteban de Litera, Jaca, Biescas and Aínsa. In addition, blood donors are received at the St. George’s Hospitalof Monday to Fridayof 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. The details of the locations can be found at bancosangrearagon.orgThis page can also be accessed through the Salud Informa application.

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