Home » today » News » Huélum, huélum! The IPN will give laptops to students and teachers who do not have a computer at home

Huélum, huélum! The IPN will give laptops to students and teachers who do not have a computer at home

He National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) announced this Monday that it will provide laptops and provide equipment at home to students and teachers who do not have computers at home to carry out their work.

This will be through two calls. The first will provide 3,500 portable computers.

“In addition, we will launch a home computer loan program for teachers and students depending on the availability of equipment for each academic unit,” said the general director of the IPN, Mario Alberto Rodríguez Casas, who added that this is done with the support from the AC Polytechnic Foundation

* Be enrolled in an academic program of the institution in the scholastic modality and taking learning units from the second to the last semester.

* Not having their own computer equipment to do the activities.

*Sign up www.sibec.ipn.mx.

* Complete the requested data and answer the socioeconomic study on the referred page.

Attach the documents on the same website:

-Justification of the request to participate in the call


-Declaration under protest of saying the truth that he does not have computer equipment.

-Proof of address, valid for no more than three months.

-Proof of perceptions of family members who contribute to the applicant’s income (no more than three months).

-Act of births of children (if it is the case).

-Proof of Registration. This will be integrated by the Student Support Office upon request and will be provided by the School Administration Office to the Commission.

These should be in PDF, named in the following way: student’s initials number of ballot_initials of the academic unit.

This should be done from August 24 to September 6. The results will be announced on September 30.

* Be academic staff of the National Polytechnic Institute with a place and / or hours owned and academic load in the period 21-1.

* Not have a license with pay for academic activities.

* Not having their own computer equipment.

* Not having been a beneficiary of the programs for the provision of computer equipment established between the IPN and section 60 of the SNTE.

* Complete the information requested on the website www.ipn.mx/apoyotrabajodocente/ and include in that site the documents:

-Justification of the request to participate in this call.

-Signed commitment letter, in which you state that you do not have computer equipment.

-Last proof of payment.

-Proof of property appointment.

The documentation will be in PDF and marked in this way: initials of the teacher_number of employee_initials of the academic unit.

Like students, they must enter the site from August 24 to September 6. The results will be released on September 23.

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