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Hubble Telescope Finds Super Bubble in Nebula N44

Superbubbles are thought to have formed from massive stellar explosions long ago.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The space telescope from the American Space Agency (NASA), Hubble found what is known as a superbubble in the center of the N44 nebula. This superbubble is thought to have formed from a large stellar explosion long ago.

Superbubble or areas without stars, has a width of 250 light years. This is something very mysterious found in the middle of a nebula in outer space.

Nebula N44 is about 1,000 light years long. This nebula is located about 170,000 light years from Earth.

NASA has a theory about what created superbubble. Among them is that the nebula is filled with massive stars, which end up in explosions and that the supernove shell expands to form a cosmic ‘cave’.

Astronomers have discovered a supernova remnant near superbubble and was able to identify an age difference of about 5 million years between the stars inside and on the edge of the bubble.

This suggests that there may have been several chain reactions of events that formed the star. The area in the dark blue shaded image near the bottom around the superbubble is one of the nebula’s hottest regions and the most intense star formation area.

The bubbles are thought to be generated by matter falling into a black hole and act like a powerful cosmic particle accelerator.

As an emission nebula, N44 has energy or ionized gas from the radiation of nearby stars. Once the gas cools to a lower energy level, it shoots light, and in turn, the nebula glows.

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