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Huawei’s Own Photo Chip and Fingerprint Reader: What’s Next for the Chinese Giant?

The Chinese giant is reportedly making its own photo chip
He did not extend the cooperation with Sony
The novelty could appear as early as next year in the P70 model series

Mobile photography is one of the few areas within smartphones that is still evolving and giving customers relevant reasons to purchase a new device. It’s no wonder, then, that companies are investing heavily in cameras that aim to improve mobile photos to the point where they’re the only photography device in the home for the average user. Although Samsung and Sony are competing among the leaders in this industry, the Chinese company Huawei does not want to be left behind either, despite the fact that it is not very competitive, at least on world markets, due to American sanctions.

Own photo chip and fingerprint reader

According to a leaker with the nickname Fixed Focus Digital, Huawei has not renewed the contract with Japan’s Sony, which supplied the company with photo chips. Since, according to available information, the Chinese giant has not signed an agreement on the supply of photochips with anyone else, this adds to the speculation that it will try to manufacture its own sensors. These could already appear in the P70 series. The company recently had to replace another part of its camera system – after ending the collaboration with Leica, it introduced the XMAGE platform, including a custom-made NPU.

Huawei could offer its own photo chip in the P70 model series

But the sensor itself for cameras is not the only innovation that Shenzhen is said to be working on. Speculations are also circulating about a new optical fingerprint reader, which Huawei could also manufacture themselves. The company itself has not confirmed any of this, however, it is assumed that the custom components could be the main part of the presentation of the new hardware, which will probably take place early next year.

Don’t overlook

5G networks are no longer an obstacle for Huawei, he agreed with an important European partner

Due to US sanctions, Huawei had to replace a whole range of other components with alternatives. For example, he recently concluded a strategic partnership with the European company Ericsson, which should help him in the return of 5G technologies, at least in global device variants. The company will also sooner or later have to deal with the production of its own chipsets, which American sanctions have also significantly slowed down. It will be very interesting to see what Huawei will eventually introduce with the P70 series, and for now it looks like it could be a big surprise.

Author of the article

Dominik Vlasak

Editor, traveler, fan of technology, Star Wars and good coffee.

2023-11-09 19:15:00
#Huawei #working #photo #chip #introduced #P70 #series

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