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Huang Xiaoming: As an actor, I hope I am a century-old shop-Chinanews

  Become the actor of this year’s Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers with “Heroes of Fire”

  Huang Xiaoming: As an actor, I hope I am a century-old shop

Huang Xiaoming ushered in his “highlight moment” this year: On the evening of November 28, with the movie “Heroes of Fire”, Huang Xiaoming won the 33rd Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor. On September 26 this year, he just won the Best Actor Award at the 35th Hundred Flowers Awards, and this year he became the actor of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers. At the same time, he is also the first actor to be awarded the second best actor of the Golden Rooster, which is very beautiful.

Although this achievement made Huang Xiaoming overjoyed, he didn’t have much time to immerse himself in the excitement. Huang Xiaoming told reporters that there was no change in his life after winning the award. “Go back and continue filming, then lose weight.” Huang Xiaoming’s goal is to become an actor’s “hundred-year-old shop”. In his opinion, there is obviously still a long way to go.

The road to “playing bones” is long

The award was crowned, and Huang Xiaoming’s acting skills were recognized, but he said in a low-key manner that he has not yet become a “play bone”: “The road to drama bone is very long, and I still have a lot to work hard and diligently.”

Huang Xiaoming said that he was very lucky, because the two films “Chinese Partner” and “Heroes of Fire” that allowed him to win the Golden Rooster Award have story prototypes. Therefore, at this year’s Hundred Flower Award and Golden Rooster Award ceremony, Huang Xiaoming said, The honor he won the best actor should be given to the firefighter: “It’s really not that many years are quiet, just because there are such a group of people who are carrying the weight for us. This honor is not my personal, it belongs to all firefighters. Workers. It is because of them that the movie “Heroes of Fire” and the role of Jiang Liwei are created. They are the most respectable group of people, and heroes should not be forgotten.”

After acting for more than 20 years, how did Huang Xiaoming improve his acting skills? Is his performance experiential, method or expressionist? Huang Xiaoming said that the specific genre of performance depends on the role. “There are more methodologies. This is a process of exploration. Each of my plays and roles will bring me new experience and insights. I continue to enrich myself. Of course, there are times when I try and fail, but in my opinion, these are all trials in life. I always believe that no matter whether you succeed or not, as long as you work hard for it, this will become your way to success. A cornerstone. “Wind Voice”, “Chinese Partners”, and “Wuwen Xidong” can be regarded as turning points in my understanding of performance.”

Huang Xiaoming believes that the most effective way to improve acting skills is to learn, “to absorb all kinds of experience and knowledge at work. For example, when filming “The Wind”, I practiced Japanese for three months in order to be a good Japanese officer. I was really sitting on the toilet and memorizing Japanese; I learned English for another three months when shooting “The Chinese Partner”. Before shooting “Heroes of Fire”, we trained in the real fire brigade for more than a month, until the end You can even go directly to the task. When you have a goal in your mind, you will learn very energetically.”

Huang Xiaoming confessed that he did not expect to win the two movie kings of Baihua and Golden Rooster in one breath this year, so there is no plan to reward himself at the moment. “The arrangements for filming are still all behind, and they are all full. It should be two movies connected together. Shoot, take one and then shoot another. Don’t praise me, I won’t float. I don’t want to hear so many compliments, because it’s not good for me. I hope everyone will praise me more when I am down. , I also told myself that it is better to give charcoal in the snow than to do something for others.”

As for after winning the award, will there be new considerations about the way of acting and roles, such as not acting in idol dramas, or playing more in-depth and easily recognized roles? Huang Xiaoming replied: “In fact, I didn’t make such a detailed planning. Now I hope to try more good works that embrace the market and have artistic value. If there is a suitable role, it will be considered.”

I never hold grudges, I only remember

Teacher Cui Xinqin, who recruited Huang Xiaoming to the Beijing Film Academy, was like a “second mother” to Huang Xiaoming, and he always thanked this guide. At the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony this time, Huang Xiaoming thanked Mr. Cui again: “Although she thinks I am a piece of wood, she still recruited me into the film academy.”

The experience of studying in the film school was regarded by Huang Xiaoming as a gift from God and a turning point in his life. “When I was a kid, I never thought that I would take the road of literature and art. At that time, I was studying in a key high school in Qingdao. If it weren’t for the film school enrolling students in Qingdao that year, I would not have taken this kind of exam. I know. I remember one month before taking the exam, I unfortunately had a small car accident and fractured my foot, so a very dramatic scene appeared on the day of the exam-I walked into the film academy exam room on crutches, which was even more dramatic Yes, a few months later I was told that I was admitted.”

After meeting Mr. Cui Xinqin at school, Mr. Cui said to Huang Xiaoming: “The first reason we like you is because of your good image; the second is that you are simple, like a piece of white paper; The brain is a bit’woody’, but people are kind and malleable. The simple summary is a’beautiful wood’, so you are recruited.”

In life, there are many people who are introverted and poor at expressing themselves. Although they are very talented, they behave dumbly in front of outsiders. Because the character is not liked by outsiders, it is easy to feel inferior over time. As a little boy who used to dare not even speak loudly, how did Huang Xiaoming force himself to liberate his nature, bravely express himself in front of many people, and create one character after another?

Huang Xiaoming replied: “Just to force yourself, because you are an actor, this is a profession that needs to stand in front of the camera. If you can’t overcome it, you can only change your career. If you figure this out, the next thing will be Then I solved it easily. In fact, I think introversion and poor expression are not bad. This is just a kind of personality. I need to change because the profession I choose has this need. But many people actually don’t have the need to change their own. Personality, just feel comfortable and happy.”

After entering the film school, the first sentence Huang Xiaoming learned from Mr. Cui was: learn acting first. This sentence has benefited Huang Xiaoming a lot. “To this day, I still regard this sentence as one of my mottos in my life and career. I think to some extent, being a person is more important than doing things. Once you are a good person. , Your personality and the way you behave in the world, your curiosity about things, your awe of predecessors and film and television works, will make you better and better on the road of film career.”

Huang Xiaoming said that he is grateful to those who made comments and criticisms against him. Without them, Huang Xiaoming’s awakening would not be possible today. Huang Xiaoming told reporters: “Everyone says that Scorpio is more vengeful, but in fact I never keep vengeance, I just remember it. I am an alternative Scorpio. Teacher Cui said that I am the only person who has not changed since she has seen it for more than 20 years. She As of today, I’m still stupid, simple and kind, and easy to trust others. I’m still like this so far, so my mentality is pretty good. I don’t like to remember bad things. I don’t want to remember those things. It fills my body, I hope I can absorb good things in.”

The secret of breaking the glass to rebuild the heart is to “see open”

Huang Xiaoming was red when he debuted, so it is easy to “call black”. Over the past 20 years, Huang Xiaoming has now learned to easily resolve the problem of “self-blacking” in this “red and black” “grind”, saying: “I used to be cowardly, I was afraid, I was not confident , Naive me, not smart me, but now I have learned to enjoy it all.”

Huang Xiaoming said that he has not been spoiled all the time. “Everyone likes watching someone tall and falling down. So I think my mentality today is caused by a lot of ups and downs. Most of the time. Maybe you only saw successful people, but didn’t see the scars on them. So I am very grateful to me who was weak and lacking confidence before.”

Huang Xiaoming once revealed in an interview that he had been depressed for two years due to online violence. During that time, he felt that what he did was wrong. The whole world was spurning himself and didn’t want to face people. Every day was two o’clock and one line. Home and gymnasium, every day in the gym, using fitness to divert his attention, relying on the care of his family and fans, Huang Xiaoming out of the trough.

Now I talk about the key to resolving the pain in my heart. Huang Xiaoming’s answer is “to be able to see”. As for Huang Xiaoming, he only remembers not grudges. Is this “the price of growth” or “natural character”? Huang Xiaoming said: “I have both. My parents taught me to be obedient, filial, and grateful. I think this has had a big impact on me. I have been out for so many years and I think I should let myself Be comfortable and don’t always think about bad things. It’s only yourself that is uncomfortable. In fact, this is a process of shattering your own glass heart and rebuilding. It used to be a difficult period, but now it’s quite grateful to think about it, because Without those past experiences, I would not be where I am today.”

Huang Xiaoming laughed and said that during the most sad two years, he did watch a lot of “Chicken Soup for the Soul”, “I also read prose and novels, but because filming is busy, I will watch it slower.”

Asked if there will still be times of depression, Huang Xiaoming said: “Of course there will be. Recently, because I can’t eat anything for weight loss, I often feel depressed when I see my friends eating spicy food and I can only drink vegetable juice. . When I’m depressed, I think about good things. Like on my birthday, we were shooting big night scenes in the suburbs until the morning. I soaked in ice water all night and worked for more than ten hours, but when I watched When I arrive at Asaka, I feel very grateful, with such a beautiful scenery, and I am fortunate to be able to perform good works.”

This year’s “Sister Riding the Wind and the Waves” caught fire. As the host, Huang Xiaoming said that he felt the energy of his sisters, “because they have to learn how to sing and dance and how to be a girl group for this show, and they are constantly breaking through themselves. In life or at work, with this kind of mentality, I am not afraid that I will not be able to improve. I will feel greatly encouraged by my sisters.” When asked if he would like to participate in similar programs to form a group, Huang Xiaoming smiled: “If you have I won’t ask this question after watching the video of my dancing haha, I think it’s better for me to be an actor with peace of mind.”

Huang Xiaoming’s “Plain Sentences” can be described as “out of the circle”. Even those who don’t care about the entertainment industry will have an impression of those sentences and emoticons. Some of these “Plain Sentences” are used in good faith and some become Black material was maliciously used to “black” Huang Xiaoming by some people. Ask Huang Xiaoming whether he regrets saying these words? Huang Xiaoming replied: “Some of the programs will change their taste when they are broadcast. Maybe there will be some gaps between what everyone sees and the real scene, so some misunderstandings will occur. However, I think it’s okay. My colleagues and friends will now send me Those emoticons, everyone is happy.”

I still have enough battery

As an idol debut actor, Huang Xiaoming confessed that there is still idol baggage, “I said that there is no idol baggage at all, no, but I must have no idol baggage when acting, all priority roles. I think being an idol has nothing to do with age. “

Huang Xiaoming, who participated in the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony, is still suffering from hunger, because he is shooting a new film and needs to lose 30 kilograms. He has lost more than 20 kilograms and the task has not been completed. After receiving the award, he will continue to lose weight. Huang Xiaoming admitted that it is really difficult to lose weight by 30 kilograms. “Moreover, I found that weight loss has a bottleneck period. It is not enough to be hungry. When I lost 20 kilograms when I was hungry, my weight basically didn’t decrease, and I had to rely on exercise. But you know that at this stage, you can’t eat, you will be dizzy, and then lack sugar, but you have to exercise. This process is very painful.”

Huang Xiaoming’s new film is “A Man Wearing a Wig”, and the director is Dong Yue who has directed “Blizzard is Coming”. The film tells a seemingly ordinary late night when a mysterious male passenger arrives in the taxi of the night driver Meng Zhong (played by Huang Xiaoming). Since then, the trajectory of Bangladesh’s fate has undergone an unexpected and radical change.

After Huang Xiaoming won the award, director Dong Yue congratulated Huang Xiaoming on Weibo and revealed that Huang Xiaoming was desperately filming: “At the shooting scene, Xiaoming had several times because of dieting and staying up late to shoot, and his heart felt uncomfortable. He was lying on the props, his face was pale, A very faint voice said to me:’I want to rest for a few minutes.’ Every time I think about this, I feel distressed and uncomfortable. I know his contribution to the movie. I understand his personality and his ambition. I saw him win the award today. At that moment, my tears kept rolling in my eyes. I want to say that he deserves this honor.”

When Huang Xiaoming received the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor in his acceptance speech, he also said: “Directors, please use me. As an actor, I hope I am a century-old shop.” Later in an interview, Huang Xiaoming said that the film was actually scheduled. There has always been, “It’s just that I hope more excellent directors can see me. I still have the energy and want to play more excellent works.”

The career crisis of middle-aged actresses has been a hot topic. Do middle-aged actors also face this dilemma? Huang Xiaoming said: “In fact, not only actresses, women in many industries actually have similar career crises. This is also a problem that deserves our attention and consideration. The career dilemma is actually not limited to gender. Newcomers in the film and television industry are emerging. , Everyone will have a lot of pressure. But as I said at the Golden Rooster Nominees Commendation Conference, please beg the waves, our battery is quite sufficient hahaha.”

Regarding the upcoming 2020, Huang Xiaoming said that this year is a year of ups and downs. “Fortunately, the domestic epidemic has been controlled under the leadership of the country, and the film and television industry has been able to regain its vitality.”

Specific to himself, Huang Xiaoming thinks that there are a lot of happy things, “Like my performance in “The Sideburns Are Not Begonia Red” and “Yu Bai” has been recognized by the audience. The film “Wearing a Wig” directed by Dong Yue is now being filmed. “People”, the characters in it are also very breakthrough. At the time of “Chinese Restaurant”, we went to prepare a reunion dinner for the local anti-epidemic and flood-fighting heroes when we were in Wuhan for a hundred days. This year, in fact, being safe and healthy is the greatest happiness.”

Text/Photo courtesy of our reporter Zhang Jia/Zhao Xu

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