Home » today » Technology » Hua Yi: AirFUN game platform is traded in euros, point transfer and buying and selling are prohibited, game currency is for platform entertainment only-News-Financial Knowledge Base

Hua Yi: AirFUN game platform is traded in euros, point transfer and buying and selling are prohibited, game currency is for platform entertainment only-News-Financial Knowledge Base

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Announcement of Important Information of Public Information Observatory

(3086) The press release issued by Huayi Company on February 2, 110 has a significant impact on the stock prices of listed companies. Relevant information will be announced today to facilitate investors’ understanding.

1. The date of the fact: 110/02/09
2. Company name: Huayi International Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
3. Relationship with the company (please enter the company or subsidiary): the company
4. Mutual shareholding ratio: Not applicable
5. Reason: Not applicable
6. Response measures: Not applicable
7. Other matters that should be stated:
(1) Operation mode of AirFUN game platform: AirFUN is a leisure and entertainment platform. The platform uses iSota game currency. Game currency transfer and donation are not provided in the platform. Game currency can only be used to play games; AirFUN entertainment platform is officially forbidden Points transfer and trading behaviors, players’ private behaviors that violate the relevant regulations announced on the official website will also be handled in accordance with relevant regulations. If a player sells an account privately, it is reported privately by another player. If the verification is true, the company will cancel the player’s account. There are also relevant warnings and disclosures at the bottom of the official website, which has fulfilled the responsibility of good management and notification of the platform.

The main operating market of the AirFUN game platform is the global market, especially the European and American regions. However, in the initial stage of the platform’s launch, Singapore and Malaysia will be used for trial operation purposes, and the platform will continue to be optimized and adjusted. The AirFUN game platform service operates on the cloud. Online games have cross-regional characteristics and there are no regional restrictions.

(2) The AirFUN game platform is traded in Euros. Does the related gold flow of the previous platform involve China’s foreign exchange control laws: The platform uses Euro pricing as the starting point, and Europe is the main source of game suppliers. In this way, the cooperation with game suppliers is important for AirFUN. The definition of game points is relatively clear and convenient. Revenue and invoice issuance are collected and paid by third-party payment providers. The receipts have legal transaction vouchers and follow normal procedures and related laws and regulations; payment to suppliers is also Executed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and did not violate relevant laws and regulations of China’s foreign exchange control.

(3) Whether the games on the AirFUN platform contain the nature of gaming and what is their legality: AirFUN is a game platform issued by Huayi. Players can use iSota game currency to play games, and the game currency is only for platform entertainment. Related terms and regulations And policies are in compliance with the laws of the Republic of China as the governing law.

This nature is no different from most casual gaming games on dual platforms (APP version). The AirFUN platform is only in the form of H5 webpages, and the webpage itself has no regional restrictions. Therefore, the country registered as Huayi International is in accordance with the Republic of China. The law is the governing law, so there are no legal concerns about overseas operations.

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