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Hu Haifeng Promoted to Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs: Xi Jinping’s Strategic Move?

On October 14, 2022, Hu Haifeng went to Beijing with the Zhejiang delegation representing the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. (Video screenshot)

[The Epoch Times, January 17, 2024](Epoch Times reporters Ning Haizhong and Luo Ya interviewed and reported) Hu Haifeng, the son of former leader of the Communist Party of China Hu Jintao, has been rumored to be promoted many times. This promotion to deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs has finally become a fact. Some people believe that this is a conciliatory move by the current party leader Xi Jinping, but others believe that Xi transferred him to the capital to keep an eye on him to prevent political forces from gathering in the local area.

On January 16, the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the Communist Party of China released a list of appointments and removals from the State Council, among which Hu Haifeng was appointed as Vice Minister of Civil Affairs. At present, the leadership column of the official website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs has been updated. The five deputy ministers are Tang Chengpei, Zhang Chunsheng, Zhan Chengfu, Li Baojun, and Hu Haifeng. The current deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs is super-staffed. Li Baojun only became deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs on January 5.

Hu Haifeng, 51, is the only son of Hu Jintao, the former leader of the Communist Party of China. He once served as Party Secretary (department level) of the Yangtze River Delta Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Zhejiang. In May 2013, he was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee. In March 2016, he was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee and Mayor. , transferred to Lishui Municipal Party Committee Secretary in July 2018. After that, Hu Haifeng kept going in circles for many years. In recent years, it has been rumored that Hu Haifeng will be promoted to Fujian Provincial Standing Committee and Minister of Organization, Secretary of Xi’an, Mayor of Dalian, Zhejiang Provincial Standing Committee and Secretary-General of the Provincial Committee, Henan Provincial Standing Committee and Zhengzhou Secretary, etc., but the results have all failed. It wasn’t until this time that it was reported at the beginning of the year that he would move to Beijing to serve as deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and it was finally confirmed.

Hu Jintao was forcibly removed from the closing ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on October 22 last year. The internal strife between Xi Jinping, Hu Jintao and the Youth League faction became a hot news item in the international media. For more than a year, the name of Hu Jintao’s son Hu Haifeng was banned on Weibo. However, when the authorities announced that Hu Haifeng was promoted to deputy minister, “Hu Haifeng” had been unbanned on Weibo.

Regarding Hu Haifeng’s final promotion to deputy minister, Wu Zuolai, a scholar in the United States, told The Epoch Times on January 17 that this can be seen as “Xi’s attempt to comfort and show his goodwill to Hu, to heal the division within the party, and to make up for his serious rudeness and injustice.” “.

Wang He, an expert on China issues, also told The Epoch Times on January 17 that Xi may have sent Hu Haifeng to Beijing to take care of his father in order to save Hu Jintao’s face because of Hu Jintao’s poor health. But Wang He believes that it is difficult for Hu Haifeng to truly gain Xi’s trust and that it is impossible for him to be reused further. “I guess he will only be at the deputy minister level in this life, and his career space will be quite limited. Just because he is Hu Jintao’s son.”

A commentary article in Hong Kong’s “Ming Pao” on January 17 pointed out that it has not been seen for many years that the secretary of a municipal party committee at the prefecture level or department level has been promoted directly to the deputy minister of a ministry of the State Council. Sheng Qiuping, director of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce, was transferred to the Ministry of Commerce a few years ago and served as assistant minister for a period of time before transitioning to deputy minister. Hu Haifeng’s promotion shows that there are still some exceptions.

Self-media person Jiang Feng analyzed on January 17 that Hu Haifeng’s “promotion” in Beijing was an unexpected arrangement. He said in the program that in accordance with the “Regulations on Functional Allocation, Internal Organizations and Staffing of the Ministry of Civil Affairs” of the Communist Party of China announced on November 10, 2023: the Ministry of Civil Affairs has an administrative establishment of 324 people, including one minister and four deputy ministers. This time, Hu Haifeng serves as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The other deputy ministers are all close to 60 years old but have not yet completed their terms. Therefore, there are five deputy ministers at the same time, which is obviously overstaffed. It is obvious that Hu Haifeng was added temporarily.

“According to normal rules, one deputy minister is responsible for one thing, and the overstaffed deputy minister Hu Haifeng has no dedicated work and is still a sinecure. This arrangement has violated Xi Jinping’s consistent arrangements for Hu Haifeng for the past ten years. What made Xi Jinping make the decision? “

Jiang Feng believes that in Xi Jinping’s eyes, all civil and military officials in the dynasty are thieves. Xi’s move to bring Hu Haifeng to Beijing can be interpreted in two ways: on the one hand, it largely confirms the rumors that Hu Jintao is in poor health. Someone in the party may have suggested that Hu Haifeng be sent to Beijing to take care of his father. By doing this, Xi can appease people’s hearts and show that he takes into account Hu Jintao’s desire to abdicate. It can also help bring down Bo, Zhou, and Ling, and avoid inciting more criticism within the party. Because there are still people in the Tuan faction who are in high positions.

“Second, Hu Haifeng might have gathered political power in Zhejiang because of his status as an old Tuanpai official and disturbed the political tranquility of the capital. Xi therefore transferred Hu Haifeng to the Ministry of Civil Affairs as a sinecure and placed him under the nose of (Minister of Public Security) Wang Xiaohong. Hu Haifeng (Hu Haifeng) watches every move closely, which makes Xi feel more at ease.”

Wu Jialong, a senior political and economic commentator in Taiwan, also told The Epoch Times on January 17 that by moving Hu Haifeng to Beijing, on the one hand, Xi Jinping is sending a signal of compromise to the princelings and to the Youth League faction, which is a bit soft. . But in fact, they are transferred back to the nearest place for supervision to prevent these people from causing trouble, which is not good for Xi.

Hu Haifeng’s promotion has also been discussed on overseas social platforms.

“Legends of the Two Song Dynasties” published an article on the overseas If he takes the initiative to win over, it means he needs allies; if he is forced to compromise, it means he needs to reduce his political enemies. The question is, can Hu Haifeng’s promotion alleviate Xi’s difficult situation within the party? Obviously not.

The independent commentator “Xiang Yang Xiangyang” published an article saying that although Hu Haifeng looks to be promoted, he can be said to be walking on thin ice every day and even tremble with fear. Palace politics kills without blood, and Li Keqiang is a living example. “We don’t know what kind of insider trading was involved in the promotion, but looking at Hu Haifeng’s white hair and haggard eyes we can understand the cruelty of political struggle.”

Editor in charge: Ye Ziming#

2024-01-17 09:35:01
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