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Hsiao Meiqin will not follow the path of Taiwan independence: President Tsai assures the United States that it will work hard to maintain the status quo | Lianhe News Network

Democratic Progressive Party Vice Presidential CandidateXiao MeiqinI am going to Tucheng to serve as a legislator.Wu QimingWhen auxiliary selection is made,Tsai Ing-wenThe president assured the United States that it would work hard to maintain the status quo, “not because we like the status quo, but because maintaining the status quo is the biggest common denominator in the world.” It is the most supportive attitude in the world. This group of candidates will continue Tsai Ing-wen’s line and continue to win Worldwide support.

Xiao Meiqin went to Tucheng to support the election this evening. She wrote on the blessing card, “Virtue and virtue will move forward steadily, Taiwan may be happy and safe,” and tied it to the Christmas tree next to the campaign headquarters. Xiao gave a speech of praise. He had worked with Wu Qiming once, and his impression of him was that he was very polite and docile, but very fierce in asking for funds and construction. Wu came to New Taipei from Yunlin 30 years ago and worked hard, from a citizen representative to a legislator to a legislator. Tucheng understands everything big and small, and the legislators are supposed to be the bridge between the central government and the local governments.

Xiao Meiqin said that Wu Qiming was cherished by his fellow villagers. Although the journey was bumpy, he was successfully elected several times. He was elected and failed several times, but this is life. No life starts smoothly. Later, when he went to the United States, President Tsai told Taiwan to People with dignity should not only care about Taiwan’s peace and security, but also allow Taiwan to do business and make friends with the world. And Taiwan must not become another Hong Kong. When young people in their 20s in Hong Kong express their opinions outside, they are all arrested and imprisoned. Hong Kong has no freedom, democracy is increasingly regressing, and the economy is also regressing.

Xiao said that she went to the United States to fight for the economy. First, the Taiwanese people voted in a referendum two years ago to declare that Taiwan’s economy and agriculture should be in line with world standards, which gave her the capital to tell the United States that Taiwanese people support the market to be in line with the United States. , striving to sign a trade agreement with the United States. Therefore, after President Biden took office, the first international foreign trade agreement signed was with Taiwan; the second was to avoid double taxation and allow businessmen to do business more easily. This is also discussed in the 40s In 2016, the bill was finally passed in the Revenue Committee with a unanimous vote of 40 to 0.

“Taiwan cannot be bullied.” Xiao Meiqin said that Tsai Ing-wen will not be aggressive or provocative on this road, nor will she yield under pressure. Tsai also promised the Americans that she is committed to maintaining the status quo. “It’s not because we like the status quo. Because maintaining the status quo is the biggest common denominator in the world,” it is the most supportive attitude in the world, and Tsai Ing-wen’s line will beLai QingdeXiao Meiqin passed it on.

Wu Qiming emphasized that as a legislator, he would regard maternal and child care as his top priority, and promised to actively promote the national care 2.0 policy for children aged 0 to 6 years old in the future, and promote egg freezing subsidies for women and maternal psychological consultation. Wu Ye said that this election is fiercely competitive. Although the polls are slightly ahead, they are still within the margin of error. The election situation is stalemate. He hopes that the villagers can help collect votes and consolidate votes so that he can continue to be re-elected.

photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/12/11/realtime/28110495.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=800&exp=3600&w=800&nt=1" type="image/webp">photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/12/11/realtime/28110495.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=800&exp=3600&w=800" type="image/jpeg">photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/12/11/realtime/28110495.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=800&exp=3600&w=400&nt=1" type="image/webp">photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/12/11/realtime/28110495.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=800&exp=3600&w=400" type="image/jpeg">
Democratic Progressive Party vice presidential candidate Xiao Meiqin went to Tucheng today to assist in the election of legislator Wu Qiming.Reporter Liu Yixuan/Photography
photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/12/11/realtime/28110496.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=800&exp=3600&w=800&nt=1" type="image/webp">photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/12/11/realtime/28110496.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=800&exp=3600&w=800" type="image/jpeg">photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/12/11/realtime/28110496.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=800&exp=3600&w=400&nt=1" type="image/webp">photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/12/11/realtime/28110496.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=800&exp=3600&w=400" type="image/jpeg">Democratic Progressive Party vice presidential candidate Xiao Meiqin went to Tucheng today to assist in the election of legislator Wu Qiming.Reporter Liu Yixuan/Photography
Democratic Progressive Party vice presidential candidate Xiao Meiqin went to Tucheng today to assist in the election of legislator Wu Qiming.Reporter Liu Yixuan/Photography
photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/12/11/realtime/28110497.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=800&exp=3600&w=800&nt=1" type="image/webp">photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/12/11/realtime/28110497.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=800&exp=3600&w=800" type="image/jpeg">photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/12/11/realtime/28110497.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=800&exp=3600&w=400&nt=1" type="image/webp">photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/12/11/realtime/28110497.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=800&exp=3600&w=400" type="image/jpeg">Legislator Wu Qiming held the founding meeting of the Women's Support Association today.Reporter Liu Yixuan/Photography
Legislator Wu Qiming held the founding meeting of the Women’s Support Association today.Reporter Liu Yixuan/Photography

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