Home » today » World » Hristo Monov: When values ​​are confused, when we turn man into a tool, violence comes – 2024-08-19 17:11:38

Hristo Monov: When values ​​are confused, when we turn man into a tool, violence comes – 2024-08-19 17:11:38

/ world today news/ There is talk of an increase in violence, aggression. And what is happening in our society is a trend that started immediately after the end of the Second World War, when a Christian civilization was planted.

It is paradoxical, but coming out of the bloodiest conflict, which we caused ourselves, we got into another, much more difficult, even at the risk of becoming tragic, situation – we neglected a basic value of our Christian society, namely the person, and support between people. This is especially evident in the last 30-40 years, the time of the so-called neoliberalism, which brought us many troubles, because man was made a means, not an end, of our society.

We see that economic success is primarily due to defrauding someone, not producing anything in particular. In order to achieve faster economic results, many countries have outsourced basic production to others where human labor is very cheap, thus depriving their own population of the right to work and self-expression. It is no accident what happened, for example, in Hamburg – at the meeting of the most developed countries. It was, I think, a desperate attempt for people to show that with this inequality in the world, this world cannot be safe. 1% of the people in the world cannot have 98% of the goods. This context in which our civilization actually develops is the scary thing.

In countries like ours, where also the relationships between people have gone backwards from what has been tradition and normality in our existence, it is normal for violence to occur. In this case, however, one should not talk about aggression, there is a difference between aggression and violence. Aggression is part of the personality characteristic of every human being, an instinct if you will. We would not exist if it were not for aggression. Thanks to being aggressive towards the environment in which we emerged, we have survived. The scary thing is the violence that has appeared in our society. Violence at every level. What more terrible form of violence than this human being not being able to satisfy his basic needs of food, security. It is clear that any such being will react aggressively and display violence in the society in which it lives.

When the main value in a society – the person – is no longer a value, correspondingly there is a degradation of both morality and its value orientation. When you do not accept the other person next to you as a being who has value, and through the interaction with which you can achieve what you have set as goals, you accordingly do not respect him. For example, it is normal for such a person to beat up a doctor or the teacher of his children.

Therefore, society must take measures – when the norms of morality do not work, the norms of the law should work. At the same time, they should be strictly applied.

As an example, I will give the fact that in the last three years, 100 attacks on emergency teams have been registered. In those same three years, only 11 pre-trial proceedings were instituted against the attackers, and only 9 were convicted. What do we rely on as a society, since morality clearly cannot be a regulator of normal human relationships? We rely on law, as a norm that every society creates to regulate social relations. However, it is important that these norms are applied in such a way as to prevent possible cases of violence. If necessary, to change the legislation, if a new capacity of the state’s repressive machinery is to be created. But to force those who lack basic morality to conform to societal norms. Let him who is a violent man know that he cannot be so, for he will receive swift and just punishment.

Discussing the problem is also a good solution to this civilizational problem. As someone who deals with psychological crisis intervention, I argue that discussing a problem is the most important. However, apparently we slept through the discussion time and things happened. This happens very fast especially now in the online civilization. Therefore, the discussion is good, but the point is that there are tendencies that make such discussions fruitless in terms of results. It often clings to some kind of political correctness – no one says that this crisis of our civilization was brought to us by the ideas of neoliberalism. No one points to the mouthpieces of these ideas. Once or twice I have heard the name of Soros or his ayatollahs mentioned here. For example, when talking about one of the problems of our society – this cultural gap between the Gypsies and the other ethnic groups in Bulgarian society, the word “Gypsies” is very rarely mentioned, they talk about “Roma”. And when you don’t call things by their real names, you can’t solve the problem. Thus everything remains within the scope of speaking.

For example, yesterday, I learned from the media that there was a discussion in the National Assembly about how the media, especially with television broadcasts and the content they broadcast, form aggressive behavior in Bulgarian children. It’s good that there was such a discussion, but I didn’t hear anything specific – for example, what does CEM do? Perhaps the law as it stands turns the CEM into an appendix, and I argue that it does. It is a body that is devoid of any regulatory functions because it only deals with one of the great ideologues of neoliberalism – freedom of speech.

I will say it very clearly – the media is no longer the fourth estate. They are much more with the emergence of the total information society – the Internet and social media, the media is now something much more important than power. At the same time, they are a decisive factor, they are the microenvironment for the formation of the online generation that is already growing. They are more important than the parents, because the reality is this – much more often the child from his birth, during the first periods of his development, they are more influenced by the media than by the parents. This is the period when the moral consciousness is also formed. Therefore, the responsibility of the media is huge for the future of our civilization. If this is not realized by all of us as a society, but especially by those working in the media, we will continue as a Christian civilization to go in the direction of self-destruction. I will also give an example – terrorism has always been the weapon of the weak. Strange as it may be, the first hijacking of a vehicle for the purpose of solving a political task was a Bulgarian patent – Hristo Botev and the ship “Radecki”.

But what has happened recently – through this neglect of man, misunderstanding of the rebellion of the small, of the weak, in fact, we as a civilization have introduced an autoimmune disease to ourselves. People whom we have supposedly attracted to live in our better, nicer world, but left there in the ghetto without any care if they integrate into the values ​​of our society, have gone against our society.

We see that the last terrorist acts in Germany, in France, in Great Britain were carried out by people who were born there and are of the second or third generation. This is the result of the fact that people are neglected and become simply labor, left to their own devices. lives in the ghetto, to do what he wants. But it turns out that sometimes there is a culture incompatibility. Most of the IS fighters are people born in these migrant ghettos since the 1960s and 1970s.

So there is something to think about. What has been happening in Bulgaria in recent months – the attacks on doctors, on teachers, is an attack on the value system of society. Because it is the teacher and the doctor who are the basis of our value system, along with the parent. Not to mention the cases of attacks between gypsies and Bulgarians, in which the victims are always Bulgarians. This means that the problem experienced by more advanced countries than us is also knocking on our door. And it’s not just knocking, it’s here.


Psychologist Hristo Monov is an expert in crisis psychological intervention.

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