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HRAEPY and Tekax General Hospital carry out a campaign to prevent prostate cancer and breast cancer

Tekax, Yucatán, July 7, 2022.- With the aim of bringing second and third level health services closer to the non-entitled population in the south of the State, the High Specialty Regional Hospital of the Yucatan Peninsula, in institutional coordination with Tekax General Hospital held the first day of prevention of prostate cancer and breast cancer.

The prevention crusade undertaken by doctors and specialists in urology and oncology from HRAEPY and Tekax General Hospital, sought to raise awareness among the population about breast and prostate pathology, the latter, in men, being the most diagnosed condition and the third more deadly, on the other hand, in women, breast cancer is the second most common and the first in mortality worldwide.

The evaluation day was carried out in the Outpatient Department of Tekax General Hospital, where medical personnel and the HRAEPY Urology team headed by Dr. Juan Pablo Flores Tapia, performed ultrasound tests on the male population over of 50 years, in addition to being provided with information about the symptoms to detect it and offer, if necessary, timely treatment.

For the detection of breast cancer, the Oncology team led by Dr. Arianne Flores Rivera of HRAEPY, raised awareness through self-examination talks to women who came to undergo medical evaluation of the mammary glands.

Dr. Arianne Flores mentioned the importance of bringing health services closer to the most vulnerable population and, above all, carrying out prevention and awareness actions among the population.

“The HRAEPY, which provides care to people who do not have social security, free of charge, with a zero rejection policy, seeks to bring the Hospital closer to patients, so these conferences are the channel to be able to offer the services of third level of the Regional Hospital”.

For his part, the Director of the Tekax General Hospital, Dr. Raúl Nemías Uc Contreras, stressed that the hospital provides care to more than 225,000 inhabitants of fourteen municipalities in the South of Yucatán free of charge and that the interdisciplinary coordination between the three levels of government, federal, state and municipal, will bring more services to the population without rights.

The prevention campaign that began at 7 in the morning and ended around two in the afternoon, served more than 70 patients, including women and men.

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