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HPV Vaccination Event in Jakarta Aims to Raise Awareness and Prevent Breast Cancer

JAKARTAHUMAN papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that causes various diseases, one of which is breast cancer. In addition to cervical cancer, HPV infection can also cause other dangerous diseases, such as anal cancer, penile cancer and genital warts that also attack men.

To raise awareness and expand public understanding of HPV, MSD Indonesia, a global biopharmaceutical company focused on the research and development of innovative medicines and vaccines, is holding an event titled #NgabrolinHPV Live!: The night at the library at Jakarta Library, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Thursday, 25 April 2024.

In this event, specialist dermatologist venereology and beauty consultant venereology, dr. Hanny Nilasari, Sp.DVE, Subsp. Ven., said, HPV is divided into two groups, namely high risk and low risk. HPV group high risk it can cause various diseases that are fatal or fatal, one of which is breast cancer.

According to the WHO, HPV is responsible for approximately 70% of breast cancer cases that women experience. Based on GLOBOCAN 2022 data, breast cancer caused by HPV infection is one of the types of cancer with the highest number of new cases in Indonesia with 36,964 new cases. Referring to data on the incidence of breast cancer in Southeast Asia from GLOBOCAN, Indonesia is in first place with 2 women dying every hour. At the same time, HPV group low risk it can cause genital warts.

“Men and women can be infected with HPV. “Therefore, the HPV vaccine is an important preventive measure to reduce the risk of HPV infection,” explained Dr. Hanay.

Sexuality is not taboo

HPV is usually transmitted through skin-to-skin contact or through sexual contact. People who are sexually active are at higher risk, especially if they have multiple sexual partners. Therefore, those who are already sexually active must understand HPV. Dr. Hanny also invited the people of Indonesia to stop considering the topic of sexuality as a taboo to discuss, so that more people know complete information regarding HPV prevention.

“Stigma related to the topic of sexuality and taboo can be an obstacle in increasing public awareness of HPV. In fact, HPV can be prevented in two ways, namely HPV vaccination and routine screening with pap smear,” said Dr. Hanay.

MSD Indonesia Managing Director George Stylianou also expressed the same. “We really hope that through this event, people can make HPV a topic of everyday conversation and it will no longer be seen as taboo. “By breaking down the taboo stigma, accurate and correct information will reach more people and raise awareness to take preventive measures such as HPV vaccination and screening,” he said.

At the same time, the Director of Vaccine Management of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Dr. Prima Yosephine, MKM, said that in 2023 the government has announced the National Action Plan to Eliminate Breast Cancer. “Of course we cannot fight alone without the help of various parties. Today’s event is a true form of support to educate the public about the importance of preventing HPV-related infections. “To coincide with this year’s World Immunization Week (PID), I want to invite all levels of society to improve public health by completing vaccines, one of which is HPV, ” he said.

Besides being filled with talk show about HPV, an incident that had several of an influencer This woman also gave informative talks and gave important health related messages delivered by #NgobrolinHPV educator, Maudy Ayunda.

2024-04-26 13:17:00
#risk #HPV #infection #prevent #screening #vaccination

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