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How zodiac signs manipulate people around them – 2024-08-02 07:06:51

Photo is illustrative; photo: SvetaZi / Shutterstock

Everyone has the ability to manipulate others to get the things they want. You may not be aware that you are manipulating someone, or know exactly what and how you are doing it. Some people are easily manipulated while others have more resistance.

Astrology also has something to say about the most manipulative signs.

Aries – makes others do things for him
People of this sign are ruthless and do not give up. They are persistent and don’t worry about being seen as pushy.

They don’t care as long as it gets them what they want. Aries can hide their pushiness behind smiles and good times, but make no mistake, they won’t stop until you do what they want.

Taurus – causes guilt
The representatives of this sign can play the victim, tell you a story, or even say nothing, but they look as if all the injustice of the world has fallen on them.

They are some of the strongest people around and know how to land on their feet. If they pull the victim card out of the sleeve, it’s probably for manipulation.

Gemini – they lie
The most manipulative thing Gemini does is twist the truth, in other words, they lie.

They may rationalize their lie by saying it’s for the better and how there are no other options,

but they use lying as a way to manipulate others. Geminis can say they’re going to do something but have absolutely no intention of doing it, or they can say the situation is dire when it really isn’t.

Cancer – makes things sound worse than they are
Cancer is the apocalypse. Don’t lie or play the victim. He just makes things look worse than they are.
People of this sign are not just sad when their partner breaks up with them. They are devastated and convinced they will never find love again. Anyone who witnesses a Cancer heartbreak will do anything to make him feel better.

Leo – act innocent
The most manipulative thing a Leo does is to “tone down” their behavior.

Leos are confident natures, but sometimes their egos make them do things that can have negative consequences for others. If a Leo does something that is a win for him and a loss for someone else, he will spin it to make it sound like a win for both of them.

Virgo – likes passive-aggressive behavior
Virgo is never direct when it comes to her wants and needs.

Representatives of this sign don’t always say what they want, but they drop hints and make vague, passive-aggressive suggestions so that other people think they came up with the idea on their own and have nothing to do with Virgo’s manipulative mind. It’s clever and sneaky.

Libra – demonstrate apparent innocence
When Libras are manipulative, they act as if they don’t know how to do something or don’t have the necessary skills, so someone else will do it for them.

Sometimes a Libra will add charm and flirtation to the mix to get even better results.

If called upon to take responsibility for their behavior, they will act like they have no idea what you’re talking about.

Scorpio – demands loyalty no matter what
The most manipulative thing Scorpio does is make it seem like a big mistake to contradict him.

You may lose him from your life if you don’t agree with him. He will not resort to emotional abuse and harassment, but he will leave.

Any secrets you have confided in a Scorpio in the past may no longer be considered confidential and he could make them public if you are no longer loyal to him.

Sagittarius – pretends to be too good
The most manipulative thing a Sagittarius does is being too nice for company.

You may wonder how being overly nice can be manipulative, but the fact is that a Sagittarius can be extremely nice to get their way.

If he needs to bombard you with attention to get you to do something for him, Sagittarius will do it. After all, true kindness is something done without asking for anything in return, right?

Capricorn – Makes people feel stupid
Capricorn uses their knowledge and skills as a way to convince someone to do what they want.

By making someone feel dumb and the other person needs guidance because of it, Capricorn can manipulate them into following their plan.

When someone feels capable and strong, they are better able to stand up to Capricorn and say no.

In short, the representatives of this sign weaken people’s confidence in themselves and manipulate them.

Aquarius – prefers ghosting (disappearing) rather than facing problems
Aquarians attract people and it’s quite manipulative. One moment they are present in your life, promptly answering your messages and calls, the next – complete silence.

This can go on for a while, and then when you feel desperate and offer everything you can think of to bring them back into your being, Aquarius has finally brought you to a state that pleases him. You may not even be aware that you are being manipulated.

Pisces – refuses to take responsibility
The most manipulative thing a Pisces does is not taking responsibility for their actions.

It is not their fault that something happened or that they upset someone.

Sometimes it can feel like a Pisces doesn’t feel like they have to be in charge of anything because they are so creative and special.

Source: Mila

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