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How Wirecard Bank helped the group with balance sheet fraud

In the Wirecard case, many actors failedimago images / Christian Ohde

Wirecard Bank is not much bigger than a medium-sized savings bank. However, according to research by Capital and “Stern”, the small corporate bank played an important role in the billions in balance sheet fraud, which the now bankrupt payment service provider Wirecard committed over the years. As a result, the financial regulator Bafin, under whose control the Wirecard Bank was, comes under pressure again. The finance minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) subordinate authority has to ask the question, why you did not notice dubious lending at the bank earlier.

The doubts about Bafin’s vigilance are fueled by a report by the Wirecard Bank internal auditing department on September 28, 2020, as well as by a corresponding report from the Frankfurt office of the law firm Gibson Dunn. Capital and “Stern” could now see these classified papers. Accordingly, since 2015, the bank had repeatedly issued loans to companies whose creditworthiness had not been adequately checked in a so-called strategic loan portfolio – again and again at the request of the now volatile Wirecard board member Jan Marsalek, who formally played no role at all for the bank subsidiary.

Allegedly, the strategic loans were supposed to support a number of Wirecard’s business partners – and thus also generate future business for the Wirecard Group. In fact, there were suspicious cash flows.

“Large-scale credit fraud”

“Our investigations have revealed a large number of indications that point to targeted fraud and thus large-scale (credit) fraud to the detriment of Wirecard Bank,” wrote Gibson Dunn on September 25th. The “creeping up of the loan” probably also took place in order to be able to “simulate sales and earnings at the Wirecard Group” that were not in fact or not at this level. It is recommended to file a criminal complaint against those responsible.

The Wirecard Bank was therefore abused to pimp up the parent company’s balance sheet. This involves loans totaling at least 70 million euros. In view of the manageable size of the bank, this is a considerable sum. Unlike the parent company Wirecard AG, the financial institution was undisputedly under the supervision of Bafin.

On request, the financial supervisory authority stated that the Wirecard Bank had been “properly supervised and also audited with the knowledge of the time”. A Bafin spokesman did not want to comment on specific points of criticism in the audit report, referring to the authority’s duty of confidentiality.

“Stern” and Capital had already repeatedly reported on the peculiarities of one of the customers from the “strategic loan portfolio” in particular – a loan of 6 million euros to the Luxembourg company Aviatec, which was transferred to the St. Vincent’s islands in the Caribbean apparently belonged to two Russians. After starting his career as a bartender, one of them is said to have helped the Putin-loyal governor of the Russian Ulyanovsk region in financial matters. In the case of the other, named Leonid A., the in-house Wirecard money laundering fighter noticed that he was on sanction lists with regard to “financial crime” – apparently because of a crime in connection with ATMs.

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