they must find a placesuitable for the program.♪íctor: we return with jeúsópez, of the guardians of theweather.another cold front is coming for himweekend, but be thatsold accompanied with snow?jeús: it comes withprecipitation. forwardswe see what kind ofprecipitation, because it comes withthat arctic air mass.35° to jfk, 35 to islip, inpoughkeepsie 31°.a drastic change inlast 24 hours.We went from 60 to those 30.25° difference for newark.north wind blowing from10 to 20 miles per hour, withbursts of 40 to 50.why is the servicenational weather forecastextended the warningwind. the thermal sensationfeel at ease.Let’s see the atmospheric panorama.this cold front hit us inthe morning. she is going to passquickly for the Sabbath,but it will leave us a littlesnow. after the passage of thatfront comes a high pressurewhich will bring more stable weather.for Saturday at noonwe will see snowflakes.because a frontal band usis going to bring rain showersintense.after 3:00 in thelate we have time mostlystable.for abado, 40° frommaximum temperature withriots in the afternoon.for Sunday, 37°, aarctic air mass fromfrom the cold’s monday it’s a holiday it’s mondayit is a holiday at 51.55 for theTuesday, but you have to take out theumbrella because that one is comingrain. on wednesday the 63,spring. then return the