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how will the Earth be 500 years from now?

How will the Earth be in the next 500 years? – Lotte, Brookline, Massachusetts

Scientists can predict the future quite accurately. However, predicting the condition of the Earth 500 years from now is a difficult task as many factors come into play. Imagine Christopher Columbus in 1492 trying to predict today’s America!

We know that there are two main types of processes that change our planet: one involves natural cycles, such as the way the planet rotates and moves around the Sun, and the other is caused by life forms, especially humans.

The earth is moving

The earth is constantly changing.

Earth move, tilt angle shift, even the orbit changes – and bring the Earth closer or further from the Sun. This change occurred for tens of thousands of years, and this change caused an ice age.

In geology, five hundred years is not a long time.

How the Earth’s orbit affects life on the planet’s surface.

Humans change the earth

Living things are the second biggest influence on change on Earth. The effects of life on this planet are difficult to predict. If you disturb one part of the ecosystem, many other things will fall apart.

Humans are changing the Earth in many ways.

Man cut down the forest and destroying wildlife habitats essential for building cities and growing crops. They transfer invasive species and disrupt the ecosystem.

Human too contribute to global warming. People are causing climate change, mostly by burning fossil fuels that release more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

How humans contributed to global warming.

Normally, greenhouse gases trap heat from the Sun – just like a greenhouse, making the Earth warmer than it should be. These are all useful – but dangerous when the amount of heat is too much.

She was too much carbon dioxide, temperatures rise, and can cause very hot summer days and ice in Greenland and Antartika melt. Melting ice sheets are raising sea levels, causing flooded coastal area.

That is what the Earth is facing right now. These changes could change the planet Earth in the next 500 years, and it all depends on how much people want to change their habits.

A warming earth can also cause extreme weather such as heat wave, storm and drought that can change the Earth’s surface. All forms of life on Earth are threatened.

Learn from the last 500 years

Looking back 500 years, the realm of life from Earth, called the biosphere, has changed dramatically.

The number of humans has increased, from about 500 million people to more than 7.5 billion today. Over 800 plant and animal species have become extinct due to human activities during that period.

As the human population increases, other species have less space to live. Rising sea levels mean less land, and rising temperatures will allow many species to migrate to better climates.

Not all of Earth’s changes are caused by humans, but humans have exacerbated some of them. The main challenge today is to get people to stop doing things that cause problems, such as burning fossil fuels that have directly changed the climate. This is one of the global problems that requires countries all over the world and the people in it to unite and make a movement for the same goal.

Back to Christopher Columbus, he probably couldn’t imagine a highway full of cars or cell phones. So technology will definitely improve in the next 500 years. But so far, technology has not developed fast enough to tackle climate change. Letting things go as usual and simply expecting someone else to fix this mess would only create risk – these are all big bets.

So, the Earth in the next 500 years may be huge beyond recognition. Unless humans have the will to change behavior then Earth will survive along with its forests, oceans, fields, and vibrant cities for centuries to come along with its most advanced inhabitants, the human race.

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Rachel Noorajavi translated this article from English.

1 thought on “how will the Earth be 500 years from now?”

  1. There won’t be any humans anymore, since the population doubles every forty years. There are now eight billion humans present on this Globe. Figure it out yourself. In 500 years you will have to do the doubling of the previous figure twelve times. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT TOTAL!


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