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How we are still struggling with video meetings after almost two years of corona

Video meetings: after almost two years of corona, it still remains a difficult task for some. It produces bizarre and hilarious scenes when participants struggle with crazy filters or dial in at times when they clearly shouldn’t. Watch and learn from the mistakes of others in this collection zoomfails.

Is this the worst zoom meeting ever? British government meeting degenerates

In February, a digital meeting of a local British government went viral as the worst and most entertaining meeting ever. The chaos into which this meeting degenerated can hardly be summed up in words.

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Lawyer to judge: ‘I’m not a cat, I’m here live’

In the category of ‘crazy filters’: a digital court hearing before a Texas court goes wrong when a lawyer accidentally clicks on a cat filter. ‘I am not a cat,’ he urges the judge distraught on the heart.

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Antwerp city councilor gives ‘inappropriate comment’

The dreaded classic: insulting someone in the digital meeting while the microphone is still on. It happened to N-VA member Kevin Vereecken during an Antwerp city council. Mayor Bart De Wever had to intervene in the embarrassing incident.

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US senator tries to hide that he is driving with zoom filter

Don’t Zoom and drive. A US senator in the state of Ohio came under fire for driving during a video meeting. The virtual background of a living room with which he tried to hide this, did not succeed in conjuring up his seat belt.

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Surgeon appears in digital session while performing surgery

Another digital court hearing in which not everything goes according to the rules of decency: an American judge was amazed when he discovered that the defendant was participating in the meeting in the middle of an operation.

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Hilarity in Congress after video conference goes wrong: ‘Are you okay?’

Finally, a member of the US Congress turned upside down. To the hilarity of the members of the House of Representatives present: ‘At least he’s not a cat!’

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