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How was the fate of Maria Aronova

“Rubber Girl”

If you want to see how the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation deftly sits on the twine, come to the play “Mademoiselle Nitush” at the Vakhtangov Theater – the next one on March 30th. Or watch the movie “Ice”, where Aronova plays a figure skating coach.

This trick, which is beyond the control of many young and seemingly athletic girls, Maria, who turns 50 on March 11, does it easily and simply: “As a child, I was super plastic – a rubber girl. I have a rare muscle structure. If I quit smoking or lose weight, then this will be the inclusion of the will and my personal victory over myself.

And the fact that, with all my dimensions, I am still flexible and I have such a stretch, this is Mother Nature who tried so hard. For example, they could take me and put me in a suitcase. Of course, it still could not do without sports: as a child, Aronova did gymnastics until she broke her leg in the 5th grade.

After 4 months in the hospital, Masha quit training and recovered greatly. At the same time, Aronova never sat on strict diets – the actress loves to eat delicious food after the performance. However, her size did not prevent the actress from becoming a favorite of the public and finding personal happiness.

1977 Masha with her mother Lyudmila and brother Sasha. Photo: Instagram

In her youth, the main person for Aronova was her mother, Lyudmila Petrovna, who worked as the head of the library at the Research Institute of Color Metal Automation. Now Aronova says that for complete happiness she lacks only one thing in her life – the presence of her mother, who died when Maria was 23 years old.

The artist says: “Mom is unusually educated, possessing incredible wisdom, intelligence, intuition, spiritual strength … My brother and I often talk about this topic and understand: we have the right values, healthy concepts, precise guidelines, priorities. But how was it invested in us?

Mystery! Sasha and I live in great hope that at least ten percent we will pass on to our children what our mother invested in us.

The father of the actress Valery Maksovich recently turned 80 years old, he is constantly in touch with his daughter. In his youth, the man worked as an engineer at a closed factory, and now from spring to autumn he lives with his second wife in the country. Maria pampers her father – both with gifts and attention.

Favorite head of the transport department

However, the artist also does not forget about herself: Aronova built a large townhouse in Dolgoprudny, where she is happy with her second husband Yevgeny Fomin and their daughter, 17-year-old Serafima. Maria and Eugene have been together for 25 years: 20 lived in a civil marriage, and 5 years ago they decided to sign.

The husband is 15 years older than Aronova, and they met at the theater where Eugene worked … as the head of the transport department (yes, everything is almost like Zhvanetsky’s). Once Aronova was told that she, like her mother, would give birth to a daughter at the age of 32, and she should give birth to a man whom she would not immediately see, but who would be her support for the rest of her life and replace her mother.

“I really couldn’t imagine Evgeny next to me for a long time, we are fundamentally different,” recalls Aronova. – There was no crazy romance, loss of memory and head, as it usually happened to me. But now I can’t imagine life without him.”

For eight years, Maria and Eugene were expecting a child, and the artist gave birth to a daughter exactly as predicted – at the age of 32. Then the husband left work and took care of the child, Aronova canceled the decree and returned to the theater and to the shooting.

The best way to recharge with positive emotions is to communicate with son Vladislav, daughter Serafima and granddaughter Tonya. Photo: Instagram

Aronova has a son, Vladislav, from his first and short marriage to actor Vladislav Gandrabura. The guy was already raised by Eugene, who accepted Vlad as his own. Now 30-year-old Vladislav is his mother’s pride, he also works at the Vakhtangov Theater. Mother and son go on stage together and last year they even received the Crystal Turandot theater award in the nomination “For the best acting duet” in the play “Dead Souls”.

Vladislav lives with his wife and daughter in an apartment from which his mother and family moved to a country house a few years ago. On weekends, the family often gets together: Aronova bakes pies, and then plays with her 6-year-old granddaughter Antonina. The actress does without au pairs, she does everything herself, and when she goes on tour, she leaves her husband and daughter a supply of food for several days.

The family lives together, everyone is happy and healthy. But at the same time, Maria does not hide – she has already written a will! According to the actress, in order to maintain normal relations between relatives in the future, it is necessary to think over issues with the inheritance in advance.

One of the most striking works of Aronova is the role of Galina Brezhneva in the series “Diamond Hunters” (in the frame with Yevgeny Mironov). Photo: frame from the film

Aronova recalls that at the age of 35 she set several goals for herself: to provide herself and her children with normal housing, to play a good role that would be noted, and to receive the title of People’s Artist.

Preparing to celebrate her 50th birthday, Maria can admit with a clear conscience that everything she planned turned out: “And this is how in a fairy tale all three of my wishes came true. The role of Galina Brezhneva in The Diamond Hunters came to me in the cinema, for which everyone praised me very much. And I am a people’s artist … “

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