Home » today » Health » How to Witness the Alpha Monocerotids Meteor Shower in Indonesia on November 21, 2023 – Source: Kompas.com

How to Witness the Alpha Monocerotids Meteor Shower in Indonesia on November 21, 2023 – Source: Kompas.com

Meteor Shower (Source: KOMPAS.COM)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TVThe Indonesian sky will witness the peak of the Alpha Monocerotids meteor shower which will take place from the evening of Tuesday (21/11/2023) to the morning of Wednesday 22 November.

This phenomenon occurred in the middle of the meteor shower period which lasted from November 15 to 25, according to information from StarWalk.

The BRIN Emanuel Sungging Mumpuni Space Research Center emphasized that clear and cloudless sky conditions are the main key for optimal observations.

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He suggests looking for a location that is free from obstructions from trees or tall buildings, and away from artificial light such as street lights or buildings that can reduce visibility.

“Yes, as long as it is sunny and not cloudy,” said Emanuel, quoted from Kompas.comSaturday (18/11/2023).

Astronomy and Astrophysics Researcher at BRIN Clara Yono Yatini explained that meteor showers occur when the Earth, in its path around the Sun, passes through an area that contains a lot of cometary debris.

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When it enters Earth’s atmosphere, this debris burns up and creates an appearance similar to a “shooting star.”

“Meteor showers occur when the Earth in its orbit around the Sun encounters an area full of comet debris,” he explained.

Writer : Danang Suryo Editor : Gading-Persada

Source: Compass TV

2023-11-21 11:49:00
#Tonight #Alpha #Monocerotids #Meteor #Rain #Phenomenon #Indonesian #Sky #Kompas

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