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How to watch James Webb spread his sunscreen tomorrow

The James Webb Space Telescope continues the complex process of revealing its origami-like structure to a final shape that spreads out as it travels through space on its journey to its final orbit around the Sun. Much of this process, as the telescope stretches out its sun visor, will occur tomorrow and NASA will broadcast live coverage of the event. We have details on what to expect from this and how to watch it at home.

What to expect from a sun visor deployment

The sun visor from the James Webb Space Telescope is seen during testing. Chris Gunn – NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

The process of getting the telescope from its launch configuration, folded inside the rocket, to its full deployment, ready to start scientific operation, is a complex process. One of the most important and sensitive parts of this process is the application of five layers of sunscreen the size of a tennis court that will protect the telescope from the hot sun.

Over the past week, part of the sun visor supporting structure has been installed in its place, culminating in Extension of two middle boom which stretches a 47 -foot -wide sunscreen.

Now, the sun visor must be fastened. Each of the five layers will be separated and stretched to its final shape, and will be screwed in with the space between each layer to allow heat to escape. It starts with the largest layer, which is closest to the sun, and works using a total of 90 wires attached to various pulleys to pull the shield in place.

Full deployment is expected to take at least two days.

How to see the spread of sunscreen

Coverage for Sunscreen Deployment will begin on Sunday, January 2 at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT). NASA TV will show live coverage of the suspense process, and after that is complete there will be a briefing with more information about James Webb and the deployment process.

To watch the broadcast, you can go to NASA website Or use the built-in video player near the top of this page.

In addition to the Sun Shield deployment scope, there will also be more additional deployment scopes next week. On Tuesday, January 4, there will be live coverage of James Webb’s Secondary Mirror Supporting Structure post, and on Friday, January 7, there will be live coverage of the opening in the Second Main Mirror Wing. The exact time of this broadcast has not been confirmed, but you can continue James Webb Space Telescope Blog More information when available.

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