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How to Verify the Payment of Car Tax: Online Procedure to Check and Avoid Penalties

Forgetting to pay the car tax means having to pay penalties and interest. Better to check if it has expired and how late it is.

Today we will show you the online procedure to follow to verify the payment of the car tax and regularize your position before it’s too late.

How to verify the payment of the car tax – Informazioneoggi.it

A doubt, “Have I paid the car tax?”. If you can’t find the payment receipts and you really can’t remember whether or not the payment was made, don’t despair. The ACI provides citizens with a very useful tool for understanding whether they are in compliance or not. We remind you that the vehicle tax must be paid annually by the owners of vehicles registered in the Public Vehicle Register. There are few cases of exemption (Law 104, electric car, vintage). All the others must pay the stamp duty by the last day of the month following that of enrolment.

The amount will depend on the vehicle category, the Region of residence and the time of registration. The amount due can be paid at an ACI counter, via the online service, at the Tax Office, via Home Banking, at a Post Office, at a tobacconist’s or with the PagoPa system. Many occasions but How to verify the payment?

The online procedure to understand if the car tax has been paid or not

The ACI website allows you to verify the payment like the Revenue Agency portal (although it will soon be decommissioned with the transfer of data to the PRA managed by the ACI).

The procedure for verifying the payment – ​​Informazioneoggi.it

The procedure to follow begins by selecting the item “Car tax” in the ACI website menu. You can choose between “Calculate the Bollo and the Superbollo online” or “Calculate and pay the Bollo online“. By inserting the license plate, the Region, the name of the owner in the form, all the information related to the tax to be paid will be known. In case of delay they will be read the amounts of the penalties and interest to be paid in addition.

Only some Regions have activated a more specific section to recover the receipts of the Bollo, verify the payment and receive notices on the subsequent deadlines.

Where possible it is recommended – to avoid forgetting future payments – to activate the RememberLaScadenza service. It is a notification service of the imminent expiry of the regional car tax. The reminder is currently available only in some regions (Abruzzo, Campania, Basilicata, the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano). A few days before the deadline, you will receive an email or text message with the date and amount. To register for the service, you will need to have a SPID, Electronic Identity Card, National Services Card or eIDAS (Electronic IDentification Authentication and Signature).

2023-08-26 09:38:57
#Car #tax #forget #payment #problem #heres #check #expired

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