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How to temporarily disable WA without deleting the WhatsApp application from Android and iPhone cellphones

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – WhatsApp (WA) has now become the most popular messaging application, and it is difficult to separate from daily activities because it is commonly used to communicate with family and office matters.

But there are times when someone gets tired of constantly getting notifications from friends, colleagues, family, even unknown parties.

When faced with a condition like this, maybe it’s a good idea for you temporarily deactivate WA without having to delete the application from an Android cellphone or iPhone.

It is known, WhatsApp itself does not have a feature to log out or exit the application so that you can still receive messages whenever they are sent.

Well, here it is how to temporarily disable WA without having to remove the application from the mobile device.

How to Temporarily Disable WhatsApp

1. Turn off All WhatsApp Notifications

Turning off all WhatsApp notifications allows users to get through the day without being distracted by the many message notifications that come in WhatsApp application.

To turn off notifications, it depends on the OS of the device you are using.


  • Go to Settings
  • Scroll down and tap WhatsApp
  • Enter Notifications
  • Next to Allow Notifications, make sure to slide the switch to the left so that no more notifications come in.

HP Android:

  • Go to Settings
  • Tap Notifications > scroll down and select WhatsApp
  • Next to Allow Notifications, turn off the notifications toggle

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