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How to Teach Sex Education to Adolescents

For the sake of children’s health, you need to understand how to have a comfortable discussion about sex education

In order to welcome World AIDS Day which falls on December 1, 2020, a webinar with the theme “Strengthen Collaboration, Increase Solidarity” was conducted by several parties including the Association of Indonesian Dermatology and Venereology Specialists (PERDOSKI) and supported by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.

This virtual discussion aims to make Indonesia better prepared to end the spread of HIV / AIDS by 2030. In the next 2030, Indonesia hopes to end the emergence of new HIV cases, no deaths caused by HIV and the existence of stigma and discrimination against people. with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA).

According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health regarding the development of HIV / AIDS and PIMS in the second quarter of 2020, the number of people living with HIV / AIDS has reached 534,100 people, 398,784 people have been found and 205,945 people living with HIV who have just started taking ARVs.

In relation to the number of HIV / AIDS cases which continues to increase from day to day, parents have an important role to play in providing education to their children. Sex education needs to be taught from the family circle, so that the child is not curious and gets caught in the wrong situation.

“The importance of sex education for adolescents as a promotive and preventive activity to provide life guidance related to gender, love life to a sense of responsibility. Sekes education must always be nurtured from kindergarten to adulthood, “said Prof. dr. Sjaiful Fahmi Daili, SpKK (K) as Chairman of the PERDOSKI College Advisory Team on Monday (30/11/2020).

If you want to know five steps as a guide for teaching sex education to teenagers, this time Popmama.com has summarized it.

Listen carefully, Ma!

1. An open attitude needs to be applied so that children get information about sex education


When Mama has an open attitude towards children regarding sex education, they will try to find out and get to know their sexual and reproductive health. With an open attitude, children can find out what is best for themselves.

Parents also need to understand that over time adolescents will experience puberty, be it boys or girls. Puberty is a process of physical, psychological changes and maturation of the reproductive organs that begins at the age of 10-12 years.

Here are some of the physical changes that boys and girls will experience when puberty starts, namely:

  • Physical changes in girls at puberty:
  1. Getting pimples
  2. Enlarged breasts
  3. The body gets taller
  4. Having menstruation
  5. Grows hair on the armpits and around the pubic area
  • Physical changes in boys at puberty:
  1. Growing Adam’s apple
  2. The body grows taller
  3. Have a wet dream
  4. Shoulder and chest muscles widen
  5. The growth of body hair in several areas

In addition, adolescents who have started puberty will experience attraction by liking the opposite sex. Not infrequently, boys and girls begin to have mutual attraction by showing affection and even sexual contact.

“Reproductive health in adolescents is very important in welcoming a healthy Indonesia. Considering that STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) is one of the doors for HIV / AIDS, sexual campaigns and education in the adolescent population must be intensified. The stigma of HIV being easy to transmit must be straightened out, stay away from the disease, not the sufferer, “said dr. Hanny Nilasari, SpKK, Chairperson of the Sexually Transmitted Infection Study Group.

Mothers also have to understand and be able to explain some of the bad risks related to health when children have free sex. Start by explaining the negative impacts they will get, one of which is pregnancy outside of marriage.

Some of the serious diseases that are contracted when children have sex outside of marriage are also quite a lot. These diseases range from HIV / AIDS, syphilis, genital warts (condyloma), herpes, hepatitis B and other dangerous risks.

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2. Teach children to dare to start conversations about their sexual health

2. Teach children how to dare to start conversations about their sexual health

Freepik / Demanna

Adolescent children not only need to understand information related to sexual health and reproductive organs, but have the courage to start a conversation if they want to know many things related to sexual health or their attraction to the opposite sex.

Conversations or discussions with these teenagers will certainly provide them with new information and knowledge, and even help make decisions.

If the child already has a boyfriend, Mama can explain about healthy dating. A healthy dating is a relationship where both parties feel good. When healthy dating is carried out, there is no coercion to comply with your wishes or physical or verbal abuse during a fight.

In addition, Mama can also discuss that coercion of premarital sexual relations includes unhealthy dating. It can be called sexual harassment by touching lips, breasts, buttocks and genitals without permission.

To prevent children from being sexually abused, parents must teach them to dare to say “no” to things they don’t like.

3. Children need to respect the opinions and decisions of others

3. Children need to appreciate the opinions of others

Pexels/Andy Kuzma

The attraction of children to the opposite sex needs to be controlled in order to avoid pregnancy outside of marriage. When a mama’s child tries to touch sensitive parts of her partner is rejected, she needs to learn to respect other people’s decisions.

Parents need to educate their children to learn to appreciate the decisions of others from an early age. If there is an act of mama’s child that is out of bounds rejected by others, then there will be no sexual harassment or harassment.

In addition, when Mama finds out that there are deviant things that children want to do, it can be immediately explained that her actions are not good.

That way, children will understand and will stay away from these actions. Children will also learn to control themselves from all bad actions that will harm others. It even helps to lower the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and early pregnancy.

4. Take responsibility for himself and his family

4. Responsible for yourself family


Mama also needs to teach children to learn to be responsible. This character education is also needed so that teenagers avoid various sexually transmitted diseases.

Teach children to be responsible for themselves and their families, so that they can understand the various limitations that exist and avoid various sexual health problems.

5. Carry out regular checks

5. Carry out regular checks

unsplash / Francisco Venâncio

Maintaining cleanliness and health in the genital area really needs to be taught to children from an early age, Ma.

For girls, it is especially important to learn to record their menstrual cycles and perform breast self-exams (BSE) to ensure that they are in good health. In addition, teach the child to tell if there are health problems in their genital area. This is done in order to quickly get the right treatment from a doctor.

In addition, try to learn to keep your underwear clean regularly so you don’t cause mold.

Those are some sex education that can be given to adolescents, so that the child can understand various information and avoid unwanted things.

May be useful!

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