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How to take years off your hair? “The cut and the color are decisive,” says the hairdresser

Who doesn’t want to look younger? And hair plays a huge role in our appearance, so it’s definitely worth thinking about some of the mistakes we make and adding years to no avail. And viceversa. A well-chosen hairstyle can take many years off in an instant. And a good hairdresser knows this, of course.

Your hairdresser certainly can’t go back in time, but with a masterfully chosen cut and color, they can rejuvenate even ten years from now. At least that’s what famous London hairdresser Luke Benson believes. “Hairstyles have the power to make us look many years older. And it depends on everything from hair length, color and final treatment,” he said in an interview with Express.co.uk. According to Luke, it’s a big mistake to try to imitate haircuts according to magazine images, because each of us is an original and fits him differently. “So, for example, the popular shorter ‘bob’ fits most faces, but definitely not all,” he points out. It is not only the shape of the face, but also the quality of the hair and the styling options that need to be considered. For example, if you don’t have enough time or patience for more challenging home styling, there’s no point in asking for a hairstyle that takes an hour to spend in front of the mirror. Even a good hairdresser has to ask for it.

What year, the shortest hair?

They say older women look better with shorter or at most semi-long hair, but according to Benson, this should definitely not be the rule. “As we age, our features tend to drop more and more, so overly straight long hair accentuates this effect,” she explains. “But with a well-chosen multi-layered cut that lightens the hair or a light fluff, we can bring back the illusion of a younger face,” says Luke.

In general, oval faces can handle almost any cut, square faces need to be softened, rounder faces are better suited for asymmetrical cuts, and those with a tighter chin once again add volume to these areas. But as Benson points out, this division is very indicative and an experienced hairdresser can find a style for you regardless of the rules. They must take into account above all the quality of your hair, but also your lifestyle and the aforementioned willingness to take care of your hair at home. “There is no point in offering you a beautiful but more challenging hairstyle if you don’t have the time, inclination or budget to maintain it,” she thinks.

Color plays well too

For a more youthful impression, it is good to avoid all sharp contrasts and cold colors. Too light or, conversely, dark adds years. On the contrary, warm tones soften the features. A safe bet is the golden tones of honey for blondes and shades of caramel or chocolate for brunettes, including more tone-on-tone color highlights. They are all safe bets red tonesthey are also very popular this year and are guaranteed to rejuvenate.

Diet is also important

Those who want to have healthy hair should also think about their diet. It is important to regularly eat a sufficient amount of plant foods rich in vitamins and minerals, but do not forget quality nuts, fish or meat. If you are interested in food supplements, focus on those that mainly contain zinc, methionine, B vitamins in particular B12 and B6, vitamin C and iron. “Niacin is also important,” says Luke Benson. “This is because it dilates the capillaries by providing nutrients to the hair follicle and, together with zinc, strengthens them and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Maintaining adequate zinc levels reduces the risk of hair loss,” he adds. Pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, beef, legumes, nuts, and seafood are foods rich in zinc.

Source: www.express.co.uk, healthline.com, Good BBC food

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