ISRO, NASA, ESA and other space agencies have been in the news with a series of extraordinary launches that will shed new light on the Universe. In fact, Indian space agency ISRO launched the XpoSat satellite yesterday to study black holes, magnetars and more. Find out how you too can start observing the stars.
(Conversation) There are few things more peaceful and relaxing than spending the night under the stars. During the holidays, many people avoid the bright lights of the city to go camping. They enjoyed the dark sky dotted with countless stars.
As a child, I loved trips like this, which helped solidify my interest in the night sky and all things space-related.
One of my greatest joys as an astronomer is sharing the night sky with people. There is something wonderful about helping people view the cosmos through a telescope and catch a glimpse of the many wonders of the universe. But we can also share and enjoy the night sky with our own eyes – pointing out the constellations and planets or feeling the excitement of seeing a meteor shower.
It’s easy to get caught up in astronomy issues, and a question I’m often asked is, “How can I get more involved in stargazing?” Here’s how to start an interesting and lasting hobby that won’t break the bank.
Study the night sky
If you’re a budding astronomer, a good start is learning how to navigate the night sky. When I was younger, this involved getting a planisphere (a star map, you can make your own here) or a good textbook.
These days, there are tons of great apps to help you find your way in the night sky.
A good example of such an app is Stellarium – a planetarium program that allows you to observe the night sky from the comfort of your room or plan your nightly observations in advance.
To memorize the night sky, you can try star jumping. Choose constellations that are bright, well-known, and easy to find and use them as clues to help you identify nearby constellations.
Study one constellation a week and after a year you will know most of the constellations visible from your location.
Let’s use Orion as an example. The slider below shows photos of Orion’s Stellarium soaring high in the sky on a summer night. I’ve added arrows to show how you can use Orion (shown in the center of the map below) to fly around the summer sky.
To study the constellations around Orion, your task is relatively simple. Set out on a clear, dark summer night and find Orion far to the north. The three stars in Orion’s Belt are fantastic landmarks for Orion’s neighbors.
If you follow the path up and to the right, you will reach Sirius – the brightest star in the night sky and the brightest star of Canis Major, the great hunting dog. Hold the rope and turn left and you will find Canopus, the second brightest star in the sky.
Now return to Orion’s belt and follow the line down and to the left. You’ll see a V-shaped group of stars, including the bright red Aldebaran. It is the Hyades star cluster (with Aldebaran as interloper in the foreground) that forms the bull’s head of Taurus.
Continue on and you will reach the Pleiades – often called the Seven Sisters – a beautiful star cluster that is easily visible to the naked eye.
Back to Orion again. This time you will draw a line from Rigel (the bright star in the upper left corner of Orion’s square body) through Betelgeuse (the bright red star in the lower right corner of the square) and continue it towards the horizon. This will take you to Gemini the twins.
By using Orion as a landmark, you can find your way to a large number of constellations (the blue line shows Lepus, the rabbit; the white line shows the little hunting dog).
As you jump through the stars, you will slowly but surely learn to navigate the night sky until the constellations become familiar.
Virtual observation
Looking at the sky with the naked eye is amazing, but it’s also great to zoom in and see more detail.
What if you don’t have access to your own binoculars or telescope? Luckily, software like Stellarium can provide a great virtual observing experience.
Imagine you want to see Saturn’s rings – a spectacular view even through a small telescope. You can easily do this with Stellarium. Find Saturn using the search bar and click to view information about the planet.
Click the cross symbol to “lock” then zoom in. The more you zoom in, the more you will see. You can even move the clock forward or backward to see how the planet’s moons move in their orbits or the tilt of Saturn’s rings changes over time from our perspective.
Virtual observing sessions are as simple as that – just move your finger across the sky until you find something you want to see and zoom in.
A hobby best shared
Virtual observation sessions are great, but they pale in comparison to real observation sessions. I recommend using a planetarium program like Stellarium to figure out what you want to see and then start seeing it for yourself.
Astronomy is a great hobby that is best shared. Most cities have their own astronomy clubs, which usually welcome visitors who want to view the night sky.
I joined my local astronomy society, the West Yorkshire Astronomical Society in England, when I was only eight years old. I owe them a lot. The team members were so supportive of a little boy who had so many questions, and I truly believe I would not be where I am today without their help. As a member, I have seen firsthand what a fantastic amateur astronomy community it is.
The society holds weekly astronomy talks led by club members and visiting astronomers from local universities. We also regularly view the night sky using the association’s telescope, a giant telescope that the members built themselves.
People who enjoy their hobbies do nothing more than share their hobbies with others. Members of astronomical societies are excellent guides to the night sky and often have incredible equipment that they are happy to share with you.
Both astronomy clubs and universities often offer public night sky viewing events, which are a great opportunity to view the sky through a telescope with an experienced guide to help you find the most impressive views to share.
So if you want to learn more about the night sky, contact your local astronomy community – it could be the start of something special.
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2024-01-02 05:58:39
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