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How to Speed Up Cold Recovery Without Medications: Expert Tips

The therapist told me how to speed up recovery from a cold without resorting to medications.

Oh, it hurts!

In most cases, a person learns about the onset of a cold by a dripping nose, sore throat and sudden freezing. These signs really suggest that urgent measures need to be taken. Otherwise, the disease may drag on and lead to additional problems in the form of complications – bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat, etc.

Therapist Oleg Perkushin told how to quickly and environmentally (without drugs) recover from a cold in just three days.

“Many people believe that the disease will not go away within a week. Like, even folk wisdom says so. In fact, the sooner you start treatment, the faster you will forget about the cold, says the expert.

How to properly treat a cold?

According to the doctor, you don’t need to take medicine to get rid of a cold. You can improve your well-being using simple but effective methods.

Try to drink warm tea, herbal infusion or just water every half hour. A warm drink will relieve inflammation in the throat and return your normal voice.

Rinse your nose with salt water. This can be done by absorbing water from the palm of your hand with your nose, or you can use special devices sold in pharmacies. The procedure should be carried out once an hour. This way you will wash away viruses and bacteria, and also reduce inflammation in the nasopharynx.

Sleep more than 8 hours a night. If the desire to sleep comes to you in the middle of the working day, it doesn’t matter. Set your alarm for 30 minutes and allow yourself to rest. Of course, you should first close the office from the inside or retire to a room where your superiors will not find you. Ancient doctors said that sleep helps you recover faster from any illness.

2023-10-18 14:28:57

#Follow #conditions #cold #days

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