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How to slow down aging: the benefits of vitamin D

Over the past 30 years, scientists have looked for other health benefits of vitamin D besides being important for bones. As a result, it turned out that the “sunshine vitamin” strengthens the immune system, improves brain function and is associated with the production of the hormone of happiness. How to provide a normal amount of vitamin D – read the material.

Vitamin D can also slow down the aging process in the human body, says Harper’s Bazaar

Read also A beauty vitamin that can improve skin condition

How to fight aging

With age, the synthesis of “sunshine vitamin” is reduced by 75%. Such a change in the body can be immediately noticed due to the deterioration of the skin condition. Skin cells require constant protection from the harmful effects of external factors on them. Vitamin D can provide them with this because it has antioxidant properties. Also, the mentioned vitamin improves skin tone and elasticity, stimulates collagen production and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Thanks to it, the signs of aging will not be noticeable so quickly on your skin.

Vitamin D also breaks down and removes toxic protein aggregates from the body that accumulate with age. They are harmful to you, because they provoke not only premature aging of the skin, but also various types of diseases: problems with the heart, vision, digestion and even Alzheimer’s disease.

How to avoid aging
Vitamin D anti aging skin / Photo by Unsplash

How You Can Get Vitamin D During Cold Seasons

We all know that the synthesis of vitamin D in the body occurs due to exposure to the sun’s skin. But in autumn and winter, the amount of sun is not enough.

When the body has enough vitamin D

As noted by nutritionist Oksana Skitalinskaya on her page in facebookThe “vitamin D winter” lasts 6 months. That is, from late October to early spring, vitamin D is practically not synthesized in the body.

It is very important for the body to have enough vitamin D:

  • A normal amount of “sunshine vitamin” affects your well-being and mood.
  • Vitamin D acts as a prevention of type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus and inflammations of various localization, osteoporosis and psoriasis.
  • A sufficient amount of the vitamin suppresses excess weight gain, which often occurs in autumn and winter.

Experts from the Institute of Medicine and the Nordic Nutrition Council give the following recommendations:

  • good level – 25 (OH) D;
  • insufficient level of 25 – (OH) D;
  • deficit – 25 (OH) D.

Foods that contain “sunshine vitamin”:

  • oily fish (salmon, herring and mackerel);
  • egg yolks;
  • some edible mushrooms;
  • Cod liver.

Excessive amounts of vitamin D

The facts of an overdose of this microelement can be found very rarely, notes Sayyes… An excess of “sunshine vitamin” in most cases is associated with an increased amount of phosphates and calcium in the blood. Also, high amounts of vitamin D may be associated with decreased levels of parathyroid hormone.

Therefore, if you are taking vitamin D supplements it is important to avoid overdosing. The daily allowance is 4 thousand IU.

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