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How to sell on Amazon successfully?

More and more businesses choose to sell their products through Amazon thanks to the opportunities it offers, but you have to know how to manage them effectively and know the ins and outs of the environment in depth to be successful. This is one of the tasks in which the digital marketing agency QTZ Marketing has specialized: sell well on Amazon.

The great success of the largest online sales platform in the world increasingly attracts more manufacturers, entrepreneurs, brands and companies “to try their luck” with their products, trying to take advantage of its efficient logistics. But the task is not easy. There are many factors to take into account to achieve a good result: the high competition, the algorithm, the requirements and associated costs … Without the right experience and knowledge it is very difficult to operate in this powerful ´marketplace`.

Among other communication and advertising activities, QTZ Marketing has long managed the Amazon accounts of different brands and companies with a single objective: to increase their sales volume. The best way to achieve this, according to those responsible, is “working and exploiting all the opportunities that Amazon generates in a seller account, always accompanied by the best marketing tools and techniques to combine a strategy of success and continuity over time.”

Tools for Success on Amazon

What tools does QTZ Marketing use to achieve success? On the one hand, a work of consultancy. The starting point is the analysis of the company and its competition. “We identify the keywords that users are looking for on Amazon, as well as those that other companies in the sector are using, and we define a personalized strategy that adapts to the objectives and needs of the business,” they say.

Also important is organic positioning system on the ´online` sales platform. Or what is the same, working with a well-defined SEO strategy inside and outside of it that manages to increase the notoriety and the appearance of the desired products in the first places and increase its sales volume.

QTZ Marketing experts manage each account individually.
QTZ Marketing

The management of paid advertising through targeted ads it is another powerful tool. In this sense, QTZ Marketing reinforces the visibility of the products to potential customers through paid advertising that allows them to reach the top positions with little investment and a high return.

Lastly, this digital marketing agency manages each account in a totally individualized way. “We are in charge of promoting it, and once this objective has been achieved, maintaining it over time with good results, constantly optimizing it to achieve higher levels of success”, highlight its managers.

Ultimately, QTZ Markting helps companies transform the idea of ​​trying their luck on Amazon into the goal of successfully selling on Amazon.

But in addition to this advisory work, QTZ Marketing will soon launch a face-to-face course for marketing professionals who want to specialize, or for entrepreneurs and companies who want to manage their own business on this online sales platform. More information in: www.qtzmarketing.com and in the mail: [email protected].

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