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How to sell land after July 1, 2021: there are important nuances

Already from July 1, 2021 in Ukraine the land market opens. In this regard, citizens have many questions about how the sale of agricultural land will be carried out.

IN Free Legal Aid Center focus on the main points to which Ukrainians should pay attention. Relevant information posted on the Center’s website.

As the message says, it’s important to understand first, what kind of land are agricultural land… These include:

  • agricultural land: arable land, perennial plantations, hay crops, pastures, fallow lands;

  • non-agricultural land: economic paths and runways, forest shelter belts and other protective plantations, except for those classified as forestry land, land under farm buildings and yards, land under the infrastructure of wholesale markets for agricultural products, land for temporary conservation, and the like.

To whom to sell

The owner can sell an agricultural land:

  1. citizens of Ukraine;

  2. legal entities of Ukraine, participants (shareholders, members) of which are only citizens of Ukraine and / or the state, and / or territorial society;

  3. territorial society;

  4. to the state.

The Center draws attention to the fact that your land plot can be sold from July 1, 2021 only to individuals who are citizens of Ukraine… Maximum plot size – 100 hectares per person.

And from January 1, 2024, the land can also be sold to legal entities. In this case, the maximum purchase size can be 10 thousand. ha.

In turn, when the land market opens will be prohibited:

  • sale of land to foreigners without a referendum decision;

  • sell state and communal land;

  • sell land located closer than 50 km to the state border;

  • sell land to Russians and representatives of terrorists;

  • sell land to offshore companies.

How to sell

Today in adopted law the issue of the land purchase and sale procedure is not directly regulated. But it contains three significant innovations, namely:

  • the buyer will be checked for the possibility of acquiring land in a certain amount using the relevant state registers. If, according to the results of the inspection, a discrepancy is found to the necessary requirements, the notary is obliged to refuse to certify the transaction. And the acquirer or owner of a land plot will be checked by subject criteria, since a list of persons is determined who, under any conditions, are prohibited from obtaining ownership of agricultural land plots;

  • settlements related to the payment of the price of agricultural land plots will be carried out only in non-cash form. To do this, the buyer needs to open an account with a banking institution;

  • the sources of origin of funds for the purchase of a land plot must be documented.

As reported OBOZREVATEL, earlier the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Roman Leshchenko said that the rule on the right of every Ukrainian get 2 hectares of land for free is a fiction and deception, on the basis of which officials receive corruption rent.

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