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How to secure your car against theft

My car wouldn’t be worth stealing to thieves anyway, think many drivers who underestimate the security of their car against theft. Unfortunately wrong. If your car is not exactly a can ripe for scrap, know that your car can also become an object of interest to robbers. According to the latest police statistics, almost three thousand motor vehicles are stolen every year. If you don’t want your car to be one of them, read on for smart measures to adequately insure it against all unforgiving hands.

Car theft is not one of the criminal acts that take place almost exclusively under the cover of darkness in darkened, deserted streets. On the contrary, many of them are committed in broad daylight and in frequented places. The ideal solution is suitable car insurance against theft. A number of insurance companies include this risk as part of liability and accident insurance.

Car insurance is car insurance that every user of public roads must have. It basically serves for your financial protection in the event of an accident. In such cases, the insurance company pays for the damage you do to the car or other people’s property, but not to your own car. However, you can correct this with suitable supplementary insurance. In the standard offer of insurance companies, there is also insurance against theft – in this case, the insurance company will reimburse you an amount corresponding to the current price of the car. Are you wondering how much you will pay for such additional insurance? You can easily and non-bindingly calculate it in the independent compulsory liability price comparison tool Klik.cz.

Or you can bet on accident insurance. In contrast to compulsory liability, accident insurance basically includes insurance against theft, car theft, vandalism, unauthorized use of the car and other damage to your own vehicle. However, it tends to be a bit more expensive than additional liability insurance. We recommend that you calculate how much the accident insurance for your particular car would cost you, and then compare the amounts with the additional insurance for the liability insurance.

Smart and free measures against car theft

It is true that auto theft insurance can be used for vehicle theft, but prevention is a good place to start. Protecting your car against theft starts with common everyday habits. By making a small change in your daily habits, you can deter potential thieves. What does this mean in practice?

Park in public and well-lit areas. If you don’t have a garage, choose places to park that are visible. If you choose a place directly under a public lighting lamp, which is also visible from a distance, the thief will probably not be comfortable with such a degree of potential attention from passers-by and will prefer to reach for the car standing somewhere sideways.

When parking, learn to always lean your wheels into the curb. Many thieves look for the car that offers the easiest way to escape. Dimpled wheels can be a psychological obstacle to theft – a thief will worry that this complication will make it more difficult to escape. Do not leave valuables in plain sight inside the car. Even the old Felicia can become a tempting target if you leave the latest laptop model or other valuable item on the seat. Therefore, hide all valuables in the trunk or rather do not leave them in the car at all.

In addition to measures that do not cost anything, there are currently a large number of anti-theft security features on the market. Alarms are classic today, but even they are not omnipotent. How many times have you yourself heard someone’s car alarm beeping on the street and not addressed it, let alone come to take a closer look? Among other things, a number of professional thieves can disable the alarm so that it doesn’t even sound.

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