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How to Repair Your Metabolism: Exercise and Heart Rate Zones for People Over 40


  • Research clearly indicates that our metabolism will gradually deteriorate by 5% every 10 years from the time we reach the age of 40. That is, if we leave it alone and do nothing, our metabolism will continue to decrease. Eat the same amount as before, but more means more weight. Or it’s called being fat easily.
  • Elderly people need to exercise. This can be as simple as walking quickly, jogging slowly, swimming or walking in water, swinging your arms, cycling slowly, or walking on an exercise machine. Lift light weights and dance, etc.
  • There are two ways to repair your metabolism: diet and exercise. Exercise for people aged 40+ will have a maximum heart rate of 220-40 = 180 bpm.

Many people wonder if they get older. When I exercise, my heart beats hard. Makes you worry that it will be safe. Is it harmful to the heart?

According to the American Heart Association Specifies the maximum heart rate in an individual. Can be calculated by using 220 minus age. For example, age 40 will have a maximum heart rate of 220-40 = 180 bpm.

  • in moderate intensity exercise Your heart rate should be 70%-80% of your maximum heart rate.
  • in high intensity exercise Your heart rate should be 80%-100% of your maximum heart rate.

Maximum heart rate varies from person to person. And when you get older There is a tendency for the maximum heart rate to decrease. But using the 200-age formula is only a rough calculation for each person’s maximum heart rate. It may not always match the calculations. Some are higher, some are lower.

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One of the reasons that as age increases Then it’s easier to get fat. It is caused by the metabolism or metabolism (Metabolism). It starts to deteriorate. The body has the best metabolism under 40 years of age. After that, whatever you eat, you will easily become fat. First of all, let’s understand the word The ‘metabolic system’ that we first call metabolism.

This system is a chemical process in the body that turns the nutrients we eat into energy, whether it be for daily use. Or every organ system in the body must use energy. It’s like we’re driving and have to put gas in. In order for an engine to move, it must burn oil until it becomes energy. The metabolism system in the body is similar. Human metabolism is like an engine. After using it for a long time, it will begin to deteriorate. This causes the metabolism to not be as full as when it was a teenager.

Dr. Tippa Chutikarnkoson Geriatric Internal Medicine Samitivej Hospital It is said in the article that the elderly This is the age when various systems in the body are deteriorating. Because the body has changed a lot. It was also found that some people had emotional and mental problems as well. Causes various diseases that can be prevented by exercising. which must be done appropriately To prevent accidents or other problems related to health. Before exercising, you may need to consult with your doctor first. In the case that the elderly have congenital disease

Exercise in the elderly is divided into 4 types:

  • increase blood circulation Increases cardiovascular (aerobic) function.
  • increase muscle function Different joints are resistance exercises.
  • Stretch various joints to prevent joint stiffness.
  • Practice balance
  • What type of exercise should seniors do?

    When people get older and reach the elderly. The body will change greatly. that used to be strong Being active will gradually deteriorate, e.g.

    • thin bones
    • The muscles are not very strong.
    • The skin begins to wrinkle.

    Including various internal organ systems within the body that do not function as fully as they did during adolescence.

    These changes in the body are warning signs that we have begun to enter the elderly state. Therefore, the important thing that we should consider is maintaining the body as strong as possible and deteriorating as slowly as possible.

    One way to do it is easily. ‘Exercise’ But exercise in the elderly is We are unable to overdo it or hit it as hard as before. Therefore, it is necessary to have methods for exercising that are appropriate to the age and physical condition of each of us.

    Exercise for the elderly Helps slow down the deterioration of various systems and also increases muscle strength and durability. Control the operation of various systems to be balanced. Sometimes it also helps the elderly to socialize. In the case of exercising outside the home Therefore, it is directly beneficial to the mental state.

    Exercise for the elderly is divided into 3 types.

    1. Exercise to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

    Such as walking quickly, jogging slowly, swimming or walking in water, swinging your arms, cycling slowly, or walking on an exercise machine.

    2. Exercise to increase muscle strength

    such as lifting light weights Muscle exercise by pulling rubber bands or doing various physical exercises

    3. Exercises to practice balance

    Such as tai chi/tai chi, ballroom dancing, yoga that emphasizes balance and stretching muscles. or foot stomping exercises Practice standing on one leg. Elderly people should do all 3 types of exercise by choosing one that is appropriate for each person’s body. Most importantly, we must always remember that we must exercise safely, do it gradually, do it slowly, and do it regularly. So it will be truly good for the mind and body.

    However, exercise in the elderly should not be too intense. They should start exercising only for a period of 20-30 minutes per day, which may be divided into short periods of 10-15 minutes each and should do it regularly for at least 2- 3 days per week

    Demonstrate exercise postures suitable for the elderly. Can manage by yourself

    1. Finger exercises

    • Raise your hands to chest level.
    • Clench your fingers and open them. By trying to spread it out to the utmost. To manage the fingers
    • Grasp and hold, alternating until you feel tired.

    Note: Can be done at home. Or you can do it while watching television. If you raise your arm, your hand will be at shoulder level. It will help exercise your arms and shoulders as well. Because the arms and shoulders are tense.

    2. Shoulder protection posture

    • Lift one arm up. Keep your arms close to your ears. (If unable to attach to ear It’s a sign that the shoulder is starting to get stuck. Use your other hand to help push.)
    • Stretch to the max.
    • When you feel stiff, release it and stretch again. Keep doing this.
    • Do the same with the other arm.

    3. Wrist exercises

    • Raise your arms
    • Grab a fist and turn it.
    • Forward rotation and reverse rotation

    Benefits of exercise

    There are many benefits of exercise. It can be summarized as follows:

  • Helps delay aging
  • Helps the circulatory system work well.
  • Muscles are strong and can withstand working longer.
  • Muscles and joints are more flexible.
  • The work of various organs is better coordinated.
  • Helps with balance
  • Increase immunity
  • Helps the digestive system improve.
  • Helps reduce body weight
  • Helps reduce stress
  • Makes you sleep well.
  • For exercise in the elderly There are more precautions than other ages. Because this is the age when muscles are weaker than other ages. Balance may not be as good as at other ages. And most importantly, most elderly people have congenital diseases. which is directly related to exercise

    What heart rate must be? to normal

    To know the recommended maximum heart rate for each person. May be tested with exercise such as running on a treadmill until completely exhausted. It got to the point where my heart rate didn’t increase even though I was more tired. will get the true maximum heart rate Can be used to adjust exercise by dividing exercise zones more accurately.

    In addition, an increase in heart rate It also depends on other factors, such as deterioration from aging. or from various heart diseases, including taking medicine that has the effect of depressing the electrical signal conduction of the heart

    General recommendations of the medical association It is recommended to exercise at a moderate to high level for 130-300 minutes per week if a person is healthy. No congenital disease There are no prohibitions or limitations regarding heart rate and you can exercise at a high level. (correctly) safely

    What you should know is Risks from exercise It doesn’t depend on your heart rate. But it depends on the nature of the disease in each person. If you have a congenital disease never exercise When exercising, there is an abnormality. or have symptoms that cause concern You should consult a cardiologist.

    Before exercising suitable for the elderly

    Before exercising, the elderly should examine their physical condition well first. If you have a chronic disease, you should see your doctor to discuss appropriate exercise. Because some diseases can be aggravated when exercising, such as high blood pressure. That may increase with exercise. Therefore, the blood pressure must be controlled to a normal level first. Therefore it is suitable for exercise. In addition, the elderly should exercise with simple postures to prevent danger. Exercises suitable for the elderly It can be summarized as follows:

  • You should have a health check before exercising.
  • Avoid exercise positions that involve excessive straining or pushing. In some cases, it may cause blood pressure to rise. Especially positions that require you to hold your breath.
  • Avoid exercise that involves competition because it can be dangerous.
  • How to repair your metabolism that anyone can do

    There are two ways to repair your metabolism: diet and exercise.

    • About food

    Must adjust behavior Avoid sweets and fatty foods, eat lots of vegetables, and most importantly, eat foods that contain protein to strengthen muscles. As you have more muscle, your body will have to use more energy to burn. The more muscle than fat, the more you burn. That is why girls Burns less Because they are smaller, they have less muscle and more fat than men.

    • exercise

    Because it will help stimulate the metabolism of energy per day to be better. If you want to exercise to increase your metabolism, you should exercise with your heart beating at a rate of 60-70% of its maximum rate. Calculated by taking numbers 220-Current age will get the highest heart rate Then exercise only 60-70% of maximum heart rate. The numbers given for exercising are only estimates.

    Anyone over 40 years old, don’t be complacent. Because the metabolism starts to count down gradually, so exercise and change eating habits It’s worth more than being fat. Then you have to pay for various medical treatments. Definitely at the back

    Heart rate zone, zone for people who don’t want to be fat.

    Getting to know Heart rate zone or heart rate It will help you get the most benefit and achieve your goals. It’s more than just exercising and sweating each day.

    Know your maximum heart rate. Each person’s body is different. Calculation of maximum heart rate depends on gender and age.

    • Men: MaxHR = 214 – (0.8 x age)
    • Women: MaxHR = 209 – (0.7 x age)

    Or you can do a simple calculation by taking 220-age, for example, age 30 years, MaxHR will be 190 BPM. Then take 190 to find the heart rate in each zone from the number of %, such as zone 1 (heart beats at a rate of 50 – 60% of maximum heart rate) = 190×50 divided by 100= 95 etc.

    Check the heart zone Exercise is not risky.

    Heart rate is an indicator of how tired an exerciser is. It also helps determine the extent of exercise intensity. To achieve the goals of each person If we know each zone of the heart while exercising It will help make your heart stronger. It also helps burn excess fat efficiently.

    Zone 1 basic: The heart beats at a rate of 50 – 60% of maximum heart rate. Exercise continuously for 20 – 40 minutes. Light basic exercise such as running, brisk walking, cycling, or walking on a treadmill in the fitness center to give the heart a pumping exercise. More blood goes to the body. But for those who want to lose weight, zone 1 may not be enough to burn excess fat.

    Zone 2 endurance training. Heart beats at a rate of 60 – 70% of maximum heart rate. Exercise continuously for 20 – 40 minutes. Climb the fatigue ladder to the burn fat stage or burn fat very well. Players will feel tired. There is an increase in heart rate. Allow more blood to pump into your muscles when you are in zone 2 regularly until your body gets used to it. They often require more of a challenge, such as a mini marathon, half marathon, or even weight training to build muscle.

    Zone 3 aerobic exercise: The heart beats at a rate of 70 – 80% of maximum heart rate. Exercise continuously for 10 – 40 minutes. In addition to helping to burn fat well, It also helps make your muscles stronger. Build strength and endurance for the body well. It’s middle level. Suitable for those who exercise for good health. But if you want to advance to the 10-kilometer mini-marathon in less than 60 minutes, you still have to continue to zone 4.

    Zone 4 tempo exercise: Heart beats at a rate of 80 – 90% of maximum heart rate. Exercise continuously for 2 – 10 minutes. Exercise increases until you can talk a little. It is a period where the strength of the heart and muscles must be used more than usual.

    Zone 5 sprint: The heart beats at a rate of 90 – 100% of maximum heart rate. Mostly used in the group of professional athletes. Or groups of people who need a lot of speed, such as a 100 – 400 meter race, must train to get their heart rate up to zone 5, but for people whose bodies are not yet strong enough. It can cause dizziness, fainting, increased blood pressure, and possibly a heart attack. and the heart can beat irregularly

    Heart rate zones

    Even though exercising in zone 1-2 will make you less tired. and does not burn much fat But after exercising, you will feel refreshed, clear, and sleep better.

    For regular exercisers To make the body strong or want to lose weight Exercise in zone 3 to zone 4 is enough. Exercise in zone 3-4 is aerobic exercise. You should do this 3-5 days a week to help keep your body healthy. Can lose weight very well Including making muscles strong and blood flows to the brain better

    Those who want to exercise until their heart rate is as high as zone 5 should be under the close supervision of a doctor or coach. and suitable for professional athletes or those who exercise regularly

    Once you get to know the Heart rate zone, select the heart rate level that suits your exercise objectives. For maximum benefit and being able to achieve your goals, whether it’s a thin zone or a strong zone, it’s within your reach.

    refer: Samitivej Hospital ,Ramkhamhaeng Hospital ,Medpark Hospital andRama Channel

    2024-01-21 04:24:00

    #Age #exercise #fit #young #normal #heart #rate

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