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How to rehydrate quickly in case of traveler’s diarrhea thanks to the WHO solution

Traveler’s diarrhea affects not only tourists who go abroad to tropical areas where food hygiene is precarious. Even the typical Italian vacationer can have episodes of diarrhea. This type of intestinal disorder is not strictly related to viruses or bacteria, as is the case with traveler’s diarrhea in the strict sense.

This problem can be caused by a sudden change in environment, habits or diet. Furthermore, stress can also play a fundamental role.

Whatever the cause and the cure to be established together with the doctor, what is a side effect that should not be underestimated is dehydration.

In this case it is necessary to immediately integrate the lost liquids with a rehydrating solution.

How to rehydrate quickly in case of traveler’s diarrhea thanks to the WHO solution

In the pharmacy we find ready-made solutions to dissolve in water but we can create an equally effective solution thanks to the WHO.

In fact, the WHO has developed this recipe to face the relentless race against time to save as many children as possible. Just think that in the world every minute, 4 children die of diarrhea. And this simple solution would be enough to save them from certain death.

The WHO is trying in every way to send these few ingredients to both Southeast Asia and Africa to combat this rampant phenomenon.

Of course, the recipe is also very valid for any type of diarrhea or even in cases of excessive sweating.

Here is what the WHO provides

Standard oral rehydration solutions of the WHO: sodium 90, potassium 20, chlorine 80, citrate 10 and glucose 111.

To make a rehydrating solution at home we need 1 liter of water, 6 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and the juice of one lemon.

The solution should be kept cold and even in the form of an ice lolly is better tolerated even by those who are nauseous.

So here’s how to quickly rehydrate in case of traveler’s diarrhea thanks to the WHO solution.

To know more: who the editorial staff of ProiezionidiBorsa offers advice on how to replenish magnesium and potassium.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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