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How to regulate blood sugar? These are the three foods that will help you

What food helps regulate blood sugar? Lowering blood sugar with some foods is possible. Engineer Cinthia Reyes talks about 3 foods that according to studies reduce blood glucose levels.

According to the expert, the amount of glucose circulating in the blood changes during the day. Factors such as foods we eat, physical activity, stress, hormones influence this. The danger is that if blood glucose levels are below ‘x’ thresholds, This can cause health and organ damage.. This is how Cinthia Reyes explains it: “This is the reason why it is recommended to avoid the famous sugar spikes.”

We react differently to the SAME FOODS

Recent research, according to Cinthia Reyes, states that we are not aware that not all of us react the same to the same foods. And it is something that is often not taken into account.

“The study classifies the subjects who participated and ate exactly the same foods, into 3 groups or glycotypes: people whose glucose level increases a lot, people whose glucose level increases little, and those in between. It also found that in this last group “, which we could call an intermediate reaction, people who are not considered prediabetic or diabetic can spend between 2 to 15% of the total time in a high glucose range, obviously after eating food.”, comments the researcher about the study mentioned.

The three foods that help regulate blood sugar

According to Cinthia Reyes, these are the three ideal foods to regulate blood sugar:

  1. Broccoli. He sulforafarano contains properties that regulate blood glucose. This occurs when chopping or chewing broccoli.
  2. Pumpkin or pumpkin seeds. And 2018 study showed that consuming pumpkin seeds for breakfast reduced post-meal blood sugar rise by 35%.
  3. linseed seeds. Until 25 studies have shown that the consumption of whole flax seeds helped control blood sugar.

In addition to these three foods, engineer Cinthia Reyes clarifies that there are other foods that also contribute to improving blood sugar levels: apples, beans, avocado, citrus fruits, oats, chia seeds…

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