URBANBOGOR.COM – Be aware, how to lower blood fat It is important to know why excessive levels of fat in the blood can trigger various diseases.
In addition to taking drugs, there are some how to lower blood fat For example, what you can do is train regularly.
As for how to lower blood fat This is something that needs to be known considering the various dangers that can occur when the level of fat in the blood becomes very high.
There are two types of fat in the blood, namely the lipoproteins made up of HDL or commonly known as cholesterol good and LDL commonly known as cholesterol bad.
In addition to blood fats with types of lipoproteins, there are also types of triglycerides. Triglycerides will negatively impact blood vessel health if the levels exceed normal values.
Therefore, to determine the level of fat in the body, you should perform regular checks to maintain a healthy body.
Well, here are a few how to lower blood fat without having to take medications as has been reported urbanbogor.com from webmd.com.
1. Limit foods rich in saturated fat
Blood fat levels can increase when a person consumes foods that contain saturated fat.