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How to reduce children’s anxiety after Covid-19?

The child mental health has gained increasing attention in recent years, especially following the impact of isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. A recent study conducted by Save the Childrenwhich analyzed more than 6,000 cases in various European countries, revealed that 1 in 4 children suffers from anxiety due to confinement and the uncertainty caused due to the coronavirus.

Reducing anxiety in children It is not an easy taskbut implementing certain steps can make a big difference.

Below are presented Five strategies effective in helping children manage and reduce their anxiety post-pandemic:

Stay calm and take a supporting role

Children often imitate the behavior of adults. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to remain calm and demonstrate how to handle your own anxiety.

The way adults deal with stress can serve as a model for children to learn to manage. their own emotions.

Design a routine

The uncertainty experienced during the pandemic has highlighted the importance of establishing a daily routine. Create a structured agenda can help children feel more secure and emotionally stable.

It is important that the routine includes Pleasurable activities and be flexible to adapt to the emotional needs of children.

Fostering social connections

The pandemic has caused significant social disconnection. To counter this, it is critical to promote and facilitate interactions between children and their friends. Maintaining healthy social connections helps preserve their emotional well-being and coexistence skills.

Promote instances of self-care

Teaching children self-care habitssuch as physical exercise, meditation and reading, contribute to comprehensive development and emotional well-being. These activities help children manage stress and take care of their mental health.

Understanding the “new normal”

Children perceive time differently than adults. Instead of promising that the pandemic will end soon, it is more useful to help them adapt to the new normalUnderstanding and accepting changes in the environment can help them adjust better and reduce their anxiety.

Implementing these strategies can offer children the support they need to overcome the anxiety resulting from isolation and better adjust to the new post-pandemic reality.

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