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How to recognize iron deficiency and remedy it with the right diet

How to recognize iron deficiency and remedy it with the right diet. It is especially women who suffer from the deficiency of this mineral which is quite essential for our health. This can be found in many foods, primarily in meat. But know that if you have an iron deficiency, you don’t need to binge on meat, because there are so many other foods that combined can solve the problem.

How to recognize iron deficiency and remedy it with the right diet

Iron is very important for the human being for the synthesis of hemoglobin of red blood cells. This is the protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body, and you understand that missing it could be a problem. In fact, one of the symptoms of iron deficiency is precisely that of feeling weak, caused by the little oxygen that circulates in the human body. Other symptoms can be headaches, paleness and always being down in the dumps. These are the mild symptoms that can be our wake-up call. So, they might prompt us to do blood tests to figure out iron levels.

What to eat then

A healthy and balanced diet is a perfect ally. At one time it was suggested to eat a lot of red meat, but today we know that eating a lot of red meat is not really good for the body. So it’s important to vary. For example, i dried vegetables such as soy, beans, chickpeas and lentils are very rich in iron. And also chocolate, always the dark one though.

One very important thing you need to do when eating is to get some vitamin C. This way you will avoid oxidation of iron during digestion. For example, you can cook chicken with orange juice, or you can use lemon as an alternative to orange. So always remember that if you have an iron deficiency, you don’t need to gorge on red meat, because there are many other foods that are right for you.


What is the new food that increases the amount of iron in the body.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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