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How to raise a champion from childhood

At a sports conference we spoke to him Horacio Anselmi about his passion: building champions. Every time there is success in sports, people enjoy it and become aware of the importance of champions.

A champion is an “influencer” to society. Sports achievements are not achieved without personal effort. Will and perseverance are essential. The athlete also knows how to abide by the rules that his sports discipline imposes on him from a very young age. Also doing to take care of your normal health.

How do we raise a champion? The first step is to find it. Where is it easier to find? In the schoolthrough simple measurements of leg and arm lengths in relation to height. Therefore, children with long legs will be more suitable for gymnastics, swimming or taekwondo, and those with short legs They will have better opportunities in judo, weightlifting or all those disciplines where the center of balance must be as close to the ground as possible.

Champions can be found at school, through simple measurements of leg and arm length in relation to height.Shutterstock – Shutterstock

Those with long arms will be great for throwing and hitting objects and those with short arms will have an advantage when a lot of force is needed.

The next step is to know your motor options. As well as whether you write with your left or right hand (left-handed people tend to be more coordinated because they live in a world of rights). What is your strongest eye, the one you would use to look at spinach? That eye usually “sees” what is happening first. Likewise, there is a leg that moves first when the baby starts to move and a preferred path of rotation when he needs to turn.

In this way, a right-handed child, who has a stronger right leg and a favorable clockwise rotation path, can be an excellent thrower; If you have the strongest left eye, you are capable of a good fighting athlete. If all the options are mixed, they tend to be excellent drivers in team sports.

From here the most powerful are chosen, in what way? Jumping. Those who jump the most, multiplying their jumps by their body weight, are the ones closest to sporting success.

The next step will be take them to a place where a coach can give them access to the best version of themselves.

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