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How to Properly Administer Nasal Drops: A Step-by-Step Guide

For colds and allergies, nasal drops can help get rid of congestion or moisturize the mucous membranes. But not all drops can be found in the form of a spray, some are sold only in a bottle with a dropper. Such drops are easier to dose, but not always easy to instill. We will tell you how to do it right so that they work.

blow your nose

Before dripping drops, you need to clear the nasal mucosa – as far as possible: drops must be absorbed in order to begin to act, and mucus can interfere with this.

Blow your nose with one nostril. Take a paper napkin. With one hand, put a napkin to your nose, pinch one nostril with the index finger of the other hand. Gently blow out the mucus: do not blow too hard with your nose, the mucus can get into the paranasal sinuses and cause inflammation. If you can’t blow your nose, then the mucus in this nostril is too thick and deep in the nose, you don’t need to blow your nose yet.

Blow your nose with the second nostril. Change hands and repeat the procedure with the second nostril.

Squeeze out the remaining mucus. Without removing the napkin, press the nose with your index finger and thumb from both sides.

Wash your hands. Throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands with soap within 20 seconds. This is to keep germs from spreading if you have a cold.

Tilt your head back and stick your nose in

Drops will work if they get deep into the nasal passages and do not flow out immediately after instillation. To do this, you need to keep your head thrown back for a while.

Sit on a chair. To make it more comfortable to hold your head, sit in a chair or chair with a low back so that it supports your back, but does not interfere with tilting your head back.

Tilt your head back. Do it slowly and with a comfortable amplitude for you. If you throw your head back too much, dizziness may begin.

Bury your nose. Breathe through your mouth. Drip first one nostril, then the second. Try not to touch your nose with the tip of the pipette, so that germs do not get into the vial.

Wait two minutes. Sit with your head thrown back so that the drops are distributed in the nose and begin to dissolve. Try not to breathe through your nose and not to draw in the drops, otherwise most of them will go down the throat and will not have time to be absorbed in the nose.

If a few drops get through the nasopharynx into your mouth and you feel their taste – this is normal, they can be swallowed.

Raise your head and blot your nose with a tissue. If before dripping the drops it was not possible to blow your nose, and after the drops the mucus became more liquid, do not try to blow your nose right away. Wait 15⁠-⁠20 minutes for the drops to fully absorb and start working, then you can blow your nose.

Store drops correctly

So that the drops do not deteriorate prematurely or become a source of infection, you need to follow a few rules.

Close the vial tightly. The bottle with drops must be tightly closed after each use so that they do not leak.

Make a tag with the opening date. No matter how hard you try to be hygienic, still a little bacteria gets into the bottle, and after a month there will be so many of them that they can aggravate a runny nose. Therefore, you can store drops after opening for no more than a month. For some drugs, this period is even shorter due to the fact that the drug begins to disintegrate after contact with air. Manufacturers write about this in the instructions.

Label the bottle with the opening date this will help you remember when it’s time to throw away the drops.

Put the drops in a nightstand or refrigerator. Read the instructions for the drug, how to store the drops. In most cases, they should be kept in a dark place, preferably in their original packaging, because the sun’s rays can destroy the active substances in their composition. Some need to be refrigerated.

2023-07-11 07:41:04

#blow #nose #tilt #minutes

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