How do you pronounce the word Asperger, to refer to ‘autism spectrum disorder characterized by a qualitative deficit in social interaction’?
Answer: It is pronounced /ásperjer/, with the sound that the g has before the e, as heard in manager, genius, agenda, Argentina, spouse, Jorge.
It is not correct to pronounce it /ásperyer/ or /ásperguer/, just as one does not say /yérénte/ or /guérénte/, when pronouncing manager. And how is it spelled? It is written with an initial capital letter and without an accent in the phrases “Asperger syndrome” and “Asperger disorder”, as the German surname of the Austrian doctor who first described this condition. It is written with a tilde and a small letter, “asperger”, when “syndrome” or “disorder” are not preceded, “he suffers from asperger, which is a type of autism”.
I take this opportunity to remind doctors that the word syndrome is pronounced as the tilde indicates, as an esdrújula voice, with a predominance of the penultimate syllable, /síndrome/, and not /sindróme/. And everyone, that the word “spouse” is pronounced /spouse/ and not /spouse/, as is frequently heard. This phonetic error also occurs in “suffragette”, which is sometimes erroneously pronounced /suffraguísta/, when its correct pronunciation is /suffragista/ and in the master’s degree, which in universities is pronounced incorrectly and indistinctly /máyister/ or /mayíster/ , the latter as corresponds to the pronunciation of Roman Latin, preferred in the pontifical institutions. The correct pronunciation of that title, prior to the doctorate, is /majíster/. The feminine is “magistra”, which is pronounced /majístra/.
In the discussion a few days ago on Caracol Radio’s La Luciérnaga, about whether the article precedes certain words or not, I remind you that the academic norm is to precede the, un, some and none, masculine adjectives, yes It is a feminine word that begins with a tonic. What is “a tonic”? The one that, with or without accent, carries the accent of the word. This norm applies to words such as water, eagle, underworld, area: “el agua” (not “la agua”), “un águila” (not “una águila”), “algún underworld” (not “some underworld”) , “no area” (not “no area”). I clarify to those who are going to write their scolding for saying “adjectives” which adjective is the one that modifies the noun modifying or determining it, as it happens with the articles el, la, un, una, so the articles are adjectives without no doubt.
The rule of putting these four masculine adjectives before feminine voices is intended to avoid the cacophony of the two a’s in a row.
I see all too often in addresses, legal documents and official writings the wrong abbreviation No. for the word ‘number’. The abbreviation for number is #, which you can alternate with num. either #. For its part, No, is the symbol for ‘nobelium’, and NO, for ‘northwest’. The symbols do not have a point, COP (Colombian pesos), Ne (neon), kWh (kilowatt/hour); they do carry most of the abbreviations, etc. (etc.), cc (citizenship certificate), a. C. (before Christ). Symbols and abbreviations must be used with great precision to avoid confusion. Thus, “12 m.”, with a period, means ’12 noon’, while “12 m”, without a period, means ’12 meters’. CC, with capital letters, is ‘post office box’, while cc, with lower case, is ‘citizenship certificate’. I recommend you consult the symbols and abbreviations annexes of the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts, which has just been updated.
* Expert in writing and literary creation
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2023-09-05 04:42:58
#Spelling #word #Asperger #pronounced #correctly