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How to proceed if you are alone and have a heart attack. A well-known cardiologist explains what the absolute priority is

Dr. Vasi Rădulescu is a cardiologist, author of books that popularize health education among adults and children. The doctor is famous because he has been educating for health for almost ten years, explaining to everyone how the human body works, how to take care of it, but also how to prevent most diseases.

“What do you do if you are alone and have a heart attack?

1. Suppose you are alone and suddenly feel a sharp pain in your chest. It’s like a claw, it holds you, it goes to your arms, your back, your neck. You suddenly panic. Breathe harder. Sweat. You have nausea. You’re pale.

2. Intense chest pain is an important signal of acute myocardial infarction. Are you alone. What are you doing?

3. Get on the phone immediately and call 112, announcing your symptoms and location. It is the most important thing and it is an absolute priority!

4. If you are at home, unlock the door and stay close to it.

5. You try to calm down. Anxiety occurs and certain substances make the heart beat faster, requiring more oxygen. It is a vicious circle, because in a heart attack, the pain occurs precisely because certain areas are no longer irrigated with blood and suffer / die from lack of oxygen (the heart attack occurs by blocking a blood vessel with atherothrombotic material, ie that deposition of cholesterol in popular terms). Don’t worry and don’t put in too much effort!

6. Breathe calmly and controlled and position yourself in the fresh air. Do not cough or do things that either do not have a positive effect or are even harmful!

7. A classic heart attack has pain that lasts more than 15 minutes. If you can and you’re close, go to the hospital right away. Be careful, driving in that state can be especially dangerous for you or other people. 112 is a priority!

8. The infarction does not necessarily give a rhythm disturbance and you do not necessarily lose your state of consciousness in 10 seconds. You can stay for 10, 30, 60 minutes with the symptoms, and the sooner and faster the doctors intervene, the better.

9. Do not press on the chest. You can’t do compressions on your own and you don’t have to do that – they are done when the heart is stopped and the maneuvers are obviously performed by another person, and the chest must be compressed by -5cm anyway.

10. If you do not have a known allergy, you can chew and swallow a classic adult aspirin. But without bothering to look for her. Wait for the rescue, do nothing that involves agitation or any ineffective / harmful measures.

11. Do not consume water with cayenne pepper or other bazacons read online. They have no effect.

12. There is no quick “trick” to stopping a heart attack. Call 112 and wait.

13. If the heart attack is massive and takes up a large area of ​​the heart, a rhythm disorder called ventricular fibrillation may occur, followed by stopping. You don’t have much to do here, unfortunately. If the aid arrives on time, the necessary measures and transport to the hospital begin. If there is still ventricular fibrillation, electric shock may be applied, but this is what doctors do. Call 112 immediately for the symptoms described, stay calm, wait. However, you have no way of knowing in which territory of the heart the infarction is, how it will evolve, whether or not you will lose your state of consciousness.

14. You can SHARE your friends to spread true information, not fake news or hallucinatory tips. We need good education, not embarrassing, emotional, easy recommendations that catch our eye, but essentially have nothing good!

Chest discomfort, pain, nausea, shortness of breath, sweating, anxiety in the context of increased fatigue, stress, in an overweight, sedentary, smoking patient are important elements. Printing is not mandatory, but it is common. It is important, I say it again and again, to eat balanced, not to smoke, to exercise, to relax, to avoid conflicts, to constantly examine ourselves at the doctor.

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Be healthy! ”, Explained doctor Vasi Rădulescu, on his Facebook page.

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