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How to Print an Evaluation Report from Absher Business: Step-by-Step Guide

How to print an evaluation report from Absher Business

How to print a resident report from Absher Business is one of the easy ways that can be done through the Absher electronic platform. This report includes all the information related to the resident, his family, contact details, in addition to the validity of the visa. Through the Moments News website, you can see how to print a resident personal report form via Preach good news.

How to print an evaluation report from Absher Business

You can print an evaluation report from Absher Business by doing the following steps:

Log in to the Absher platform.” from here“. Log in using your ID number and passport number. Go to the electronic services page. Click on the My Services icon. Choose Passport Services. Click on Request Absher Evaluator Report. After completing the extraction of an assessor report, click Print.

Terms of service for requesting a resident report

To benefit from the resident identity verification form through the Absher platform, the following conditions must be met:

Execute the steps to extract the report through the Absher platform. Make sure you follow the appropriate steps to obtain the service. Enter the required data correctly so that the report is extracted. The request must be inquired through the report reference number or through a residence application.

Conditions for printing a new resident identity report

To obtain a new resident’s identity report, there are several conditions that must be met. These conditions are as follows:

The applicant must be at least 21 years old in order to obtain a residence permit in the Kingdom. Providing a medical report showing the applicant’s safety and not suffering from any contagious diseases. Meeting the residency conditions in order to obtain a residency card. The applicant must not have a criminal record or fines. Submitting the applicant’s health insurance documents in order to obtain the ID card. The passport must be valid. Paying the fees specified through the executive regulations in exchange for identification.

Features of the resident ID report printer

There are several privileges that you can obtain after printing the resident identity report, and these privileges are as follows:

Many services can be done online for passport applications and to assist with visa inquiries. Spend the residence time easily and without the need to go to the visa. You can obtain a return visa in addition to your residency application.

Penalty for not renewing a resident ID

A specific period of 90 days has been announced by the General Directorate of Passports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. If it is exceeded, the fine will be paid in addition to the penalties. The value of the fine varies depending on the number of times the resident has not renewed his identity. These penalties are as follows:

If the resident does not renew his identity for the first time, he will pay a fine of 500 Saudi riyals. If the delay is made for the second time, the fine will double to 1,000 Saudi riyals. If the delay is made for the third time, he will be permanently deported from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

We learned how to print a resident report from Absher Business, which is done through the Absher Business platform and by taking some necessary steps. If the resident does not renew his residency, he is subject to the penalty of not renewing his resident identity.

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2023-09-08 22:30:54
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