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How to Prevent Transmission of Acute Hepatitis in Children, Parents Must Know

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Disease mysterious acute hepatitis more susceptible to attack children. Parent need to know how acute hepatitis is transmitted on child.

The news about the emergence of acute hepatitis made the public worried, especially the elderly group. Imagine, the majority of cases of diseases that attack the liver occur in groups of children.

This disease was first discovered in a number of countries in Europe. In Indonesia, until now the Ministry of Health has detected 15 cases of acute hepatitis.

Although not yet known for sure, experts suspect Adenovirus to be the culprit of the emergence of this mysterious disease.

A pediatrician consultant gastrohepatology RSCM, Professor Hanifah Oswari said that the virus is mainly transmitted through the digestive and respiratory tract.

How to Prevent Transmission of Acute Hepatitis in Children

To prevent the risk of infection, parents are advised to take precautions.

One of the transmission of acute hepatitis in children occurs through the digestive tract. For this reason, Hanifah advised parents to maintain personal and environmental hygiene.

“Maintain cleanliness, wash hands with soap, ensure that the food or drinks consumed are cooked, do not use shared eating utensils, and avoid contact with children from sick people,” said Hanifah, quoted on the page. Healthy My Country Ministry of HealthTuesday (10/5).

In addition, acute hepatitis is also transmitted through the respiratory tract. For this reason, parents are advised to continue to apply the Covid-19-style health protocol for their children.

Parents Need to Be Alert Symptoms

Illustration. Parents need to know how to prevent transmission of acute hepatitis to their children. (iStockphoto/Edwin Tan)-

Parents also need to be aware of a number of symptoms that appear. Hanifah explained that some of the early symptoms that appeared included nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and sometimes accompanied by low-grade fever.

Over time, the symptoms will get worse with thick urine like tea or pale white stools.

“[Jika mengalami gejala tersebut] take the children to the nearest health facility to get help from health workers,” Hanifah reminded.

Hanifah also reminded parents not to wait until severe symptoms began to appear in their children. Being late in bringing a child to the health facility can be fatal.

“If there is a decrease in consciousness, then the chance to save is very small,” said Hanifah.

For this reason, in addition to taking steps to prevent transmission of acute hepatitis to children, parents also need to be aware of whatever the child feels and experiences in order to get the right treatment.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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