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How to Prevent Nails from Breaking Easily: Tips and Advice

Tuesday, 26 September 2023 – 04:08 WIB

VIVA Lifestyle – Nails that break easily are a common problem faced by many people. This condition can be very annoying, because broken nails can cause pain, discomfort and damage your aesthetic appearance, especially for women.

However, before we discuss how to prevent it, let’s understand why nails can break easily.

Lack of Moisture: One of the main causes of nails that break easily is a lack of moisture. Dry nails tend to be more brittle and break easily. Washing your hands too often, exposure to hot water, or using chemical products without protection can also reduce nail moisture.

Nutritional Deficiency: Lack of nutrients in your diet, such as protein, vitamins and minerals, can affect nail health. Lack of these substances can make nails brittle and break easily.

Long Use of Nail Polish or Nail Polish: Long-term use of nail polish can have an impact on nail health, but does not always make nails break easily.

Nail polish itself does not cause nails to break directly, but there are several factors that need to be considered regarding the use of nail polish that can contribute to brittleness or damage to nails, for example excessive use.

If you frequently remove and apply nail polish without giving your nails enough time to breathe, this can cause dry nails. Dry nails are more susceptible to breaking.

Physical Injury: Nails that are frequently exposed to physical trauma, such as being bent, pinched, or hit, are more susceptible to breaking.

Use of Chemical Products: Overuse or not wearing protection when using chemical products, such as bleach or nail polish remover, can damage nails and make them break easily.

Fungal Nails: Nails that get moldy and break easily can be a common problem experienced by some people. Some medical conditions, such as fungal nail infections (onychomycosis) or health problems such as psoriasis, can make nails brittle and break easily.

How to Prevent Nails from Breaking Easily:

Maintains Moisture: Avoid washing your hands too often with hot water and use nail moisturizer regularly to keep nails moist.

Balanced Nutrition: Make sure the diet or food you consume is rich in nutrients such as protein, biotin, vitamin E and calcium which are important for healthy nails.

Wear Protection: When doing household chores or working with chemical products, always wear gloves to protect your nails.

Avoid Excessive Use of Tools: Don’t use tools that can damage your nails too often, such as nail cutters or buffers.

Routine Maintenance: Regularly care for your nails by cutting them regularly, maintaining a healthy length, and avoiding nail biting.

Minimize Injuries: Take care to avoid physical injury to the nails, such as avoiding cutting the corner of the nail too short or using the nail as a cutting tool

If you experience serious nail problems such as infection or suspicious discoloration, you should immediately consult a doctor or nail expert. They can provide further advice and may prescribe medical treatment if necessary.

Taking good care of your nails is an important part of overall body care. By maintaining moisture, nutrition, and undergoing proper care, you can prevent your nails from breaking easily and keep them healthy in the long term.

2023-09-25 21:08:02
#Nails #Break #Easily #reasons

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