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How to Prevent and Treat Flu and Colds: Natural Remedies for Boosting Immunity

The extended summer gives us headaches! Sudden changes in temperature, both from night to day and from one day to another, upset our immune system, which predisposes us to colds, flu, pharyngeal infections and even depression.

Feverish conditions, sign of flu

Unlike a cold, the flu manifests itself much more violently. Influenza is an infectious, contagious disease that manifests itself through respiratory symptoms and general toxic phenomena.

The flu is transmitted through the air, either directly through coughing or sneezing, or indirectly, through contaminated objects – handkerchief, towel, tableware.

“The flu appears suddenly, with symptoms such as: fever – 39 degrees Celsius, chills, headaches, weakness, muscle pain, inflammation of the tonsils, cough and loss of appetite,” explained Dr. Cristina Bogdan, doctor naturopath

Beware of aspirin!

Common forms of flu are treated at home, with bed rest, soups, teas and anti-thermic drugs – paracetamol.

In the case of a severe form of flu, it is advisable to contact your family doctor and be treated in hospital.

When you feel the first symptoms of a cold or flu, it is advisable to take products with anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects, products that reduce mucus secretion from the respiratory tract, have an expectorant effect or have disinfectant properties at the oropharyngeal level.

Natural preparations for immunity

For prevention, you can use natural preparations that help strengthen the body’s immunity, thus preventing the onset of colds.

“At this time of year it is extremely important to help our body fight against colds, flu and asthenia by giving it vitamins to help strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin C together with volatile oils of pine (expectorant effect), peppermint (relieves pain and stinging sensation in the pharynx) or eucalyptus (reduces mucus secretion), B vitamin complex and echinacea work wonders when it comes to keeping colds at bay distance”, explained Dr. Cristina Bogdan, naturopathic doctor.

source: csid.ro

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2023-10-24 13:41:18
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