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How to prevent a distended stomach, starting with the following 7 eating habits

KONTAN.CO.ID – Jakarta. Shrinking a distended stomach requires extra effort. Before you experience a distended stomach, see how to prevent it. How to prevent a distended stomach can be started from eating habits.

The problem of a distended stomach can affect anyone, both men and women. This accumulation of belly fat happens from second to second, from year to year. Until you don’t feel it, by the age of 40, your stomach is far from flat and tight.

But bulging with a lot of fat deposits. A distended stomach can interfere with appearance, trigger a bloated stomach and invite many chronic diseases.

Eating habits that can be a way to prevent a distended stomach

To prevent a distended stomach, apply the following eating habits:

1. Eat more often but in small portions

The first way to prevent a distended stomach is to eat more often but in small portions. Eating many times in small portions can prevent the accumulation of fat, so it can make the stomach so flat.

According to a dietitian and owner of The Dish of Nutrition, Sandy Younan Brikho, MDA, RDN, to lose weight and reduce belly fat, apply the habit of eating small portions but done 5 to 6 times a day. This habit will prevent you from the danger of hunger that can trigger overeating.

Do breakfast, lunch and dinner in small portions, and alternate with healthy snacks that are also in portions that are not excessive.

Also Read: How to make a flat stomach, start with these 7 eating habits

2. Consumption of fat-burning foods

The second way to prevent a distended stomach is the consumption of fat-burning foods. Launching Eatthis, if you are a fan of meat, never neglect to regularly consume natural foods that are nutritious to burn fat.

These natural ingredients can include cucumbers which are rich in fluids and low in calories, berries which are rich in antioxidants and effective in renewing dead cells, as well as green vegetables that are high in fiber such as kale and spinach. Incorporating these three types of food into your diet can be very effective in losing weight in the long run.

3. Apply the 50:50 . rule

The third way to prevent belly fat is to apply the 50:50 rule. It’s okay to eat meat. But apply the 50:50 rule. That is, half of the portion is meat, and the remaining half is vegetables.

This rule can fill the stomach longer without the risk of accumulation of too much fat at the same time can provide complete nutritional intake that the body needs.

4. Regular consumption of probiotics

The fourth way to prevent a distended stomach is regular consumption of probiotics. Quoting from Healthline, probiotics are good bacteria that have an important role in the weight loss process.

In one study, it was found that obese people had fewer good bacteria than those with an ideal body weight. So to flatten the stomach, multiply consume yogurt, tempeh, kimchi and kefir.

5. Avoid swallowing too much water and gas

The fifth way to prevent a distended stomach is to avoid swallowing too much water and gas. Soda drinks contain bubbles that contain carbon dioxide. These bubbles will make the stomach easy to feel full because it is filled with gas. While drinking using a straw or the habit of talking a lot when eating will trigger the entry of a lot of air into the abdominal cavity.

Both of these bad habits can trigger a distended stomach. A study states that drinking straight from the glass and avoiding soft drinks can make the stomach flat and not distended.

6. More eggs

The sixth way to prevent a distended stomach is to increase egg consumption. Eggs have many nutrients that are healthy for the body. Eggs are also rich in protein and have unique properties that can reduce weight.

Eggs contain unique properties that can help you lose weight, so if you eat them regularly, they can form a flatter stomach.

From a study found, eating eggs as a regular breakfast menu can increase the chances of weight loss for 8 weeks by 65 percent. By eating eggs, the body will not charge excess calorie intake anymore because protein needs have been fulfilled.

7. Limit sugar consumption

The seventh way to prevent a distended stomach is to reduce sugar. Eating too much sugar can widen your waistline. In addition, high glucose can also trigger various dangerous diseases such as diabetes and heart problems.

So for a flat stomach, limit your daily sugar consumption. Brew bitter coffee and tea instead of sweet coffee, and avoid consuming too many sweet snacks.

In addition to doing the 7 eating habits above, also apply a healthy lifestyle by avoiding alcohol and doing regular cardio exercise. If you apply this healthy lifestyle regularly, the distended stomach will shrink and the flat stomach will be in sight.

That’s a variety of ways to prevent a distended stomach. Do all the ways above and live sports and a healthy lifestyle, then feel the benefits.

This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title “7 Eating Habits That Can Form a Flat Stomach“,

Author: Inten Esti Pratiwi
Editor: Inten Esti Pratiwi

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