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how to overturn a diet without shedding blood?

The Larousse speaks of a sudden and violent change in the political and social structure of a state,
which occurs when a group rebels against the authorities in place and takes power. This is the definition of revolution, so rarely without bloodshed. But there is one that is an exception, the one led by the Czechoslovakians in 1989 and which will allow them to free themselves from the Soviet yoke. A velvet revolution, an oxymoron that describes change, the desire for democracy and openness that will go smoothly.

Sounds on air

  • Archive student demonstration of November 17, 20h news France 2, 18/11/1989
  • Archive “Review of the week in Prague”, Evening 3, 25/11/1989
  • Chanson de Plastic People of the Universe, “Toxika”, 1974
  • Song by Marta Kubisova, “Molitba pro Martu” (prayer for Martha), 1968
  • Interview with Vaclav Havel, Le Journal de 20H, 28/12/1989
  • Discussion between Vaclav Klaus and Vaclav Havel lors de la journée “Ronald Reagan and the fall of the wall: yesterday’s reflections, today’s lessons” 06/11/2009
  • Archival demonstration in Prague, France 24, 16/11/2019
  • Chanson de Velvet Underground, “I can’t stand it”, 1969

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