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How to Overcome MSG Allergy and Identify Symptoms

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

In some people, certain doses of Monosodium Glutamate or MSG apparently can cause reactions in the body. Although researchers have not conclusively revealed the scientific evidence of the relationship between the two. However, there are several ways to overcome it allergy MSG depends on severity.

Don’t worry too much, because most allergic reactions to MSG are mild and will go away on their own. Even if there are more serious symptoms, such as anaphylaxis, according to the health page Health Line the emergency treatment given is an injection of epinephrine.

However, you need to call your doctor and go to the nearest emergency room immediately when you experience any of the following symptoms:

– Hard to breathe

– Swelling of the lips or throat

– Heart palpitations, irregular racing conditions

– Chest pain

The best treatment for food allergies is to avoid them. But according to the United States Department of Agriculture, MSG occurs naturally in almost any food.

High doses of MSG are found in foods high in protein such as meat, poultry, cheese and fish. Meanwhile, labeling is only required when MSG is added as an ingredient.

MSG is used as a food flavor enhancer. This material has a bad reputation for negative effects and allergies.

But launch Health Linedecades of research have largely failed to show a link between MSG and serious health reactions.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies MSG as a generally recognized and safe food ingredient. Even so quoting Mayo Clinic, the use of MSG remains controversial.

Therefore, the addition of this ingredient to food requires the inclusion of the MSG label.

The FDA is said to have received many reports about people’s complaints, including headaches, sweating, numbness, tingling, fast heartbeats, nausea to chest pain. However, the researchers found no association between consumption of foods containing MSG with these symptoms.

Until now, researchers have not been able to prove it scientifically. However, researchers admit that a small percentage of people have the potential to have a short-term reaction to MSG. Usually the symptoms are mild and do not require treatment.

People with an allergy or intolerance to MSG are advised to avoid packaged and processed foods. Instead, choose raw foods including fruits, vegetables and meat.

Other substances to avoid that are secondary or have the potential to contain MSG include:
– Dried meat
– Extract the meat
– Poultry stock
– Hydrolyzed protein, which can add flavor
– Maltodextrin
– Modified food starch

That is why it is important to look at and check food labels because there can be clues, it may be that the product contains ‘dry meat’, ‘processed chicken’ or one of the ingredients above.

Photo: CNNIndonesia / Basith Subastian
Infographics To Look For When Reading Food Labels-


[Gambas:Video CNN]

2 thoughts on “How to Overcome MSG Allergy and Identify Symptoms”

  1. MSG is manufactured. It doesn’t occur naturally in any food. The component that causes reactions is the manufactured — manufactured — amino acid known as glutamic acid (or glutamate). And it is important to understand that natural (not made by man) glutamate will not cause either allergic or sensitivity reactions.

  2. There’s MSG in processed and ultra-processed foods, but not in foods that are truly natural. Think about it. MSG is manufactured. No need for concern about glutamate found in protein in truly natural meat, fruits, grains, and vegetables and in the human body. That won’t cause allergic or sensitivity reactions.


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